DeadiIne for WILIMTTIE LIPE orail three papers; Wedneeay 9 P. M. for WINN4ETKÂ, TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOI.NNWS. Teiephones: 4300, Winnetka 2000(Wl~metka 500 after 6 P. ML), Greengeaf Wlmette 4800 or Shedrake 1214-1217..4 rto ~ ~ a dvru à,.t~Will be. Schriber, Winn. .3303. - ;ý,uuu vuugfit Jitu p fl 30LTN28-4tp .a. msa. c MUSICAL INSTItUCTION A "diffierent" Christmas gift to, develop a novel talent in youir chlild HARP LESSONS SAE IK NE -ET.Jolinson shoe ýskates, 4ize, 10, Atneri- LOST: 2 CATS. BLACK AND WHITE male and br<jwn-and blaélk and white cau flyer 7-var eélec. freight, train, wide wearing. collars wlth belîs. lRe"gauge trâek, cenitral'station, auto. gate,. feinale,, ward. ('ail Winnetka 752. 3LT1N.11-1tc sema phare,. tunnel.; no.7,(ier rtor st4 with nmotor and batteries 4Ige. 4iemistry set; Falcon buildingblksl 1 wooden ehest; Lincoli logs; tenor, banl110811, ~EV. 4 ix '%'WINN FTKA j;child's desk anid overstuffed wn REWIU, WNNETIKA 2120 chair;î, games; toys. Shown by appt. 3 LTrN3-t Pli. Glen. 1109. 1A-LTN31-ltp IOST: IU PAI1R 0F, BLACK KID glioves and 1iliair black kid fleeced mîitLION~L SEAMTYPki.. ctRc freight train withi large track, re- tens. Vicinity of Ridge ond, 1eechwood. Wlîte4882. înote, control and other accessoriesý, $121) 31LTN1 -ltp investment, in wonderful condition, will B E DL I N G T 0 N. TERRIER, ýj(,!l for reasonable offer. (2all <lelcoe LO0sTj: 1male, lighrt tan; nolar. Ans :4wersto "Peter." Winîîetka 1192. 3LTN31-1tc 7-HiIADS ROLL-TOP DESK, LARGE 4ize; wlth built-in electric liglît. Also RECREATION SCHOOLS swivvýl armi chair. Excellent condiition. Cost $30, will seli foir $12. Ideal Xîiîas. gift. Winnetka 11,31. IA-L,31-Mltp CI{ILD'S lRoIL-TOP DESK -and chair; large (1oîl FOR BOYS AND GIIRLS buggy. Reasonable. ('ail Wilmiette 3327. 1 A-LTN3 1 - i tc NEWX>lLSBOOKS, FURN. D0111 house, Elec. train, Shue skates, Lge. desk. Outside Xmnas tree lighits. Kit <'lle,o (-ar't. W'itinetka il !7. FOR LOST, AND FouNo VVrite Bý-, by former student of Tremonti. Box 60, Wllmnette, Ill. MUSICAL INBTRUMINTS Grey Per.sian amb Muif GUVE YOUR BOY THIS BEAUTIFUL* silver C-mnelody saxophone for Christnias. Neyer used---omplete with leather plush-lined case. Wil seil for 1/3 price paid. Inspection lnvited. 857,0Oreenwood Ave. Glencoe 1605-' 40LTN314tp BALDWIN BABY GRAND, W'ELTE-: Mignron repýroducing piano. Wilmette 4LTN-ltp For Sale BUFFET GLA-RNET' Perfe<ét condition. 13 original cost. Greenleat 2522 FORi SALE DUO AR' Baby Grand Player Pia roîls, cheap. Winnetka 2787. M4TéHED PA"IR 0F* lSchipperkes, the, Belgian BELGIAN p)erfect pet and watchdog. barge For dog9 sale reasonable. Also Seelyham, 4%k. mon. old.- Cocker Spganilel, pupes from 6 weeks to 1 year old. Skokie and Sirmpson, NMes Center. 44LTN31-ltp' SCOTTISH TERRIERS AT STU» Champion Normandy AitI-Fe$60. Also hie prize wirnning ou Nestor of that 1k-P.. $SU; Nestor Duns Sctua-Pe $25.' * PUPPIES FOR SALE REalph Brown, 1315 Chestaut Ave.. Wlimette. Ili. 44LTN31ý-4tp Hubbard Woods Animal Hospital Where your Pets have * 24-heur: attendance.,,* Boarding - Plucking - ciipplng Dr. Frank B. Erwin. Veterinailau' WIn4e3 737 908 Linden Ave. RHEINHOI, KENNELS Outdoor Recreation School, 4OLTN31-ltc PETrs THORtO -ps AFTIER-SCHOOL ýCLUBS PRE-SCHOOL CLASS Christni wealth, GIVE A SPRINGER SPAN. IEL PU1'PY___ NO.92 EIIECTOR SETMol)UII>ING' set witil cast'; and lead figu.res 1 10 watt transformer: table tennis set. ('al Wînnetka 3590. I-T3-t FOR SALE-BEAI'TIFI EI(;T RM. doîl house, large roomas, perfect oondition. Caîl Suinnyside 8506 alter 7 p.rn. 1A-LTN11-ltp DOIl.S, DOLL BED ANI) 'MATTRESS., doîl dresser, blackboard, shoç skates, and other toys. AIl in perfect cond. Cal Kunllwortlh 3048. 1A-L,31-1 tp WANTED YOUJNG G herd, Police dog or Some Kiddies' Christmas year used toys ______ Is-Iidden About Your Hom e .IMDArE,' COCKER SPANIEL Pl OPPER. <ILENCOR. -.u %. IN 1- "'- Glencoe 136,8 3L31-it]) LOST BLACK LFEAT}IER WALLET, between 7th and 8th streets MondaY around noon. Liberal Reward. Please write Bil, Box' g0, Wilmette, Illinoi-S. 3ILTN31-1tl) CAT PERSIAN LOST, 'YeLLOW amout 7 months old. White spot on nek.Return" to.1506 Lake Ave.,- orý IPhone iWilmÙette 242 4.SLTN81-1tcý Wilmette 4300, Ask for AduTaker ITelephone Glene-1 GENTLEMAX.MS-TI Ipractical.y few. n .Itp