Th ese cheap. PHONE~ TOM MeCKEAIR State 8750 Win Winne etka '2911. 129L3-ltp Winnetka 1985 SINGER, ELECTRIc ORABUESE-W. ing machi ne splendid'condit-ion. 13 ILTN 31-lic Alil attachmrents. $18., LGE. FPOLDI NG PING-PONG TABLE. Fine condition. Also, reducinà row129L31-Itp ing exerciseir for womnan. Phone WilLARGE THOR IREONING MANGLE, mette 1466. SundaYnornîng. $50; osciliating washing machine, $40. 131LTN2 1ltp Both cost$30 Winnetka 1383 SLDSHOE SlkATES, ?OOTBALL shoes, hîgh cut eahoe-E', toys, boy's 129LTN31-Ité clo0thing, ýalso, men's clothing. Ail in g00d cond. Wjlmette 1586. INCLUDINO 2 OAS RANGES. ,VA 131LTN31-Itp REA4onable. Phone 'Wilmette' 866R. IV NED500 PEOipLE, NO EXPERI. 129LTN31-1lp ence necessary, to buy generai tires, heate, radios, and'batteries on timlg. ELEVEN PIECE MAHOGANY Pure Oul Station. Glencoe 1766. DINING ROOM ,SUITEF 1-Excellent condition . ,.* Chealp 131L3i-itp C'ail Wlnnetka 1526 2 LEA,ýTHItJETT i' SHEEP1SKIN .ononly jý coats, 8 and 14) yr. szs ', 4&uU eac e t *,d)j:Also b6y's fliRtISYf, MÂÈtIS MErÙAI.BEDJ .-twice, bicycle, go"Pd colic., (Alvai. Wl'nnetxa coil springs ' Inier-spring imattress: 13IL31-ltp like new"m; 4hiff.nier, day bed, .new hand 2922. madt, quilts. Ardinore :1,279. UýND-EIZWOD NOISELESS 1P'0U H T able,' new Model, IPerteét cond., $ýo cash*. You wiii save $Lu) on this machine,. 0,N F, DOZ EN SIVE Pl ATE.S, Estabrooks. Urceenleàf 20 Spode china, dark blue bregold and wh1te bé*aded edge. Cost $300, sel for $100. Ki-ntlw<rth 4795. S"UK SCALE, COST 14.9.5, WPILL -eli for liait cost. AMso inter-ested jin buyý-iing %oranS bicycle. FOR AIEtiescreejn, atndirons, firep!llace tools. like new. Cost $801.$eIll $3 5. W il n11 t t é- 116 8, Excellent condition. White and, black finish. 4-burner Relia GAS RANGi ,1 131-lt» i 6,,White Leghorn Hens 8 5C each Doxing, beginning, at 8 o'ckock, precected by dinner. Boxers of Golden Gloves ýcalibre have been booked for the show. WANTRO MO BUY-MEUIC. Pool. Table,,.,,*. Winn. 3556 132LTN31-ltp Hibet arket prives for paper, inag. Rae$1 Der 100 ib,. Alep buy bathu and old Iron.-WILMITT furn., 744. ~U'IUEVERYPURPOSE NE 41 foBr Catalog JukDealer-Phil Schuman HOUISÊWOLD GOODS Bout prices for bookit, mag., f ar. Rage D10 er 100 pud.Winnetka, 523. BOOKS We will -buy your booka. Wliat have you? Win Cali. Book Zxchange. Wil. 8214. 132LTN2I-4tp NOTICE 0F AUCTION, SALE, 0F GOODS To H. M. Bachn1n-Lot No. 2380e; W.. North Shore Junk. Dealer s Il. Buckardt-.Lot No. 2722; E. A. Scroggin-Lot No. 2359; Mrs. W. D. Starnes-. Lot No. 2483. You and each of you are hereby noti-I fled that the tirne for the. payrnent of oeurlien i n he ng~preYferidufe ousribe up n theprerty herinauer notice thej'eof had been given yoti, we will cause such property. tn wit -b* ài- MA H . che____tos a nd C hr stonai elnectattelescopes, victrolas, f ting SOLI ltO~I~9~ MA. 1INIU (hap; o.y an Chîstnas rnaent; cb'nt pu-shniobiles, upright piano-4, b-drooni set with twin beds, and çtinirxg-rfeoni table. Winnetka 2325, ri,%grn pao0rdo other furniture. Very reasonable. Min- __ ___ -11LTN3 l-ltp , acuian ggtiit, o gaad netka1194 129LN3 1ltp îî*'INuýToN A"MT 12-GAUGE etgrandtather's dock, ribbd-brre ýsjOt un.L nar wod 1fitu1ne, riaek.s and shelves, ice porchsfturbox.,te L A,TAES T MOD)EL, $60 EUREKA iedbrelhosu. Lnrw d vacuumî cleaner. Hall bearing-motor tjerie.Skates, 'Sizes ,3 ,8 ln aies a tvdss ietos ou12(.G n -al other goods known a-s househoid driveti brush-attaclîments. ef$40. caIl< 90 iLNJ-t feets, stor-ed by you or in your naine or Wilinette 3285. 129LTN31-lt 11AG~BCCEI ODCN on your accounit (or in whieh you eaim rDo.%i sTic ORIENTAI, MNATCHrD tion. jigit, horn, tire pumnp ana an interest) in the Rensch Fireproof 4 rugs, 9x12 and 4x7, excellent condition, tools. $15. Cali innetka 1296. Warehouse, to be sold at Publie auetion, $100. Lounge chair, $15 ; oak dresser, $;). 1LTN31-ltp at 52 0een Bay Road, il ttliii$ 0 1.11) NORTHl SHORE CLEANERS CURTAINi OYS' DEKS. ONE DROP LE4AF, le fiat teP., rize 18. Phone nette, 2573. 1I31LTN31-tP I ses m -ES -B N IL E TE 5 S WILMRr H32' 7317 NIVSflT 7317