Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1936, p. 83

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too, high and we, as obstetricians-, are doing ail that we can to keep it down. At oui- own Evanston hospital oui- Journal, Paul DeKruif - anid ma--ny are carrying on, this cam'paign maternai mortality -for- the last eigh.t agaiîlst the 'medical profession iin a years is 0.21 per cent. We (1o not mannerý that- is flot approved hy the * fel. oweerthat.the, articles. sncbi nxany men who are: vitally ifterested as, those written 1wy Paui deKi-nif for * the Ladies 'Home. Journal, are justi- i the snbject and who understantd., In, fact, the maor ity of what, the situation -vei-y thoroughly. 1 would appreciate it if. your pubthey contain is not correctý and we rather resent seeing a lot of haîf- lication wonld see'fit to tise. any part truths and sensaionalism creating a of these articles WhiCh 1 am,set dinýg feai- of pi-egnancv among oui- Amer- von, ni ai! effort eto combat, the flear which t bis çampaign is, creating. cani women. * Vériy t rul),yours, The truth ru o the matterK is thaàt Charles Edwin Galloway wlierever' obstetrics'is developedl to ayextent, we have, ieached air ailn'iosIote: regret that space time- low both in maternai and fetal. does 110t P*ermnit We Publication of- the-Artieletï referréd, to by, Dr. Galloway. lnortalitY., 1 believe that we'-should, preach the gospel Of 'encouragement C. ,iesofthe articles are, however, relier than. that of fear and as time availahie tj interested persons., gYoes.on, conditions wilI improve ju1st CON VALESCES as. they. do wherever concertedt -effort Mrb. E. NiM. is ma-de. Peterson is convalesl'here aire tour main reasoius wlîy cing fron a broken ai-m received- in a ~materna]l moitalitv in this country faîl in the house. -Mrs. Peterson * seemns to be so miuch. greater thani makes ber home witb. het- danghter. iin other couniries. They ai-e as fol- Mrs. P. L. Born, 1705 Foirest avenue. lows: (1) \\'e inchnde in oui- statistics * ail deaths following aTortion and Mrs. Walter L. Cherrv cil 517 Sherithey accouint for thirty per cent. (2) dan road, Kenilwortb, retnrnied home We have a héeterogeneous population on Sundav front a ten-day trip east. with a large foreign-boi-n elemnent She %vent to New York and tiien to subject to languaire difficulties an Haveu, to visit lier sotn, \Valter, -others -fied. -Newv acKIiowIý,ecge the tact that maternai inrtality i-n this country is entireiy THE TOWER COCKTAIL LOIUNGE-. DINING ROOM LIQUOR STORE Featuring Our. DAILY Secials 12 +0 -2 P, served. from 5 fo 9 P. Monday'.s-Corned Beef and Wedn*esdày's-Tower Special Cabbage Steak tuesda'--PriMe Rib of Beef Thursdys-HaIf Broiled Chicken Fridys--Fried Fish or Spaghetti a The above Daily Specîals served-with Potatoes, Vegetable Salad, Relishes, Bread and Butter, Tea or CoffeeI 60C MIUSIC and ENTERTAINMENT Sy TIHE 3 MID.NITE SONS Harmnony 'Trio, also AI Rasmusen, Silver Yok.ed Tenorj RETAIL WINE and LIQUOR STORE SPECIALS openi spaces of the miiddle west and west and iîîstead of an available hosturient womaîi, there are many places wheire there are. no hospital facilitiés within a few days' ti-avel, a condition which does not prevail in othier cotintries. - ihisconnrv ad jst as eevother disease incidence and mortal-itv ai-e higher amiong thent. so is maternai rnortalit.v. (4) We have the great clul) .at their lion Satir- pital %ithiin w a few hours of the p)ar-. and Eleciric Arc Ambassador .79 1 I Scotch. Imported German, French and Italan Win.s, wbile.. 145 $2 1b.y La Lrge Six. I. I I I E V A reftnlshed just like ieý ]Reasonable Pr NILES CENTER for roservotions. phuone Hiles Center 252 WiL. 1061 'D. PAGLIA I Jespeler 16Wilmette Ave.

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