" tiYor Christmas.Shopping ,Wimte We Ofer You VALUEi insteod of bargoiavs ~1a4 grpssed and illuminatell family. copv was Ordered presented to the As an expýres sion of their profouid. sorwand reeet at the passlflg of HENirtY J., HFAACK, the Preilden t of ýthe Bàoard of Commssiflers of The Wilmette I EADS LODGE I years by of rnaterialistic contact wîtn motives, adversaries uitulie mainated and inf tained in hie dealings with men private the discliarge of his, public and duties astrict adherence to the principles of, honesty. Hie ,nature w*as opposed 'to the cunnilng or adroit. Hie instinctively favored direct. and etraightforward action and ln seeking a solution of a prob,lem hie nature demfanded not rnerely a desirable but a rlgliteous soliztion.t Henry J. Haack 'was insistent upon compliance witli the obligation of his office and upon performaince of thie duties. which, that office Imposed. He did not seek the honor of appointments witb the intention -of shirking' the obligation linand labor whiCli sucli asslgnmnentshabit plijBd. His. tidelity to duti was the of a lifetime and so tlxed and 1lngrainied had' this virtue become' that >aithougli and at life's end he. suffered the pain was torture of a fate as malignant'as It unremnit.nevitable, ho devoted himself tingly not -Only to the dutiles of hie office superon this Board but to, the. actual in the vision of Its pràctical. functions When you buy a watch be sure that it fifls the' PrPose it was made for. The watches we seli must keep accurate time. and' 1I cues De, PAGYLIAILULO jBcWMLZR let, uy meeting svea Board..anId of the accompanieil ,n informai conclave to diblems o! the Park District ýy plan for its. future. ervice as weii- as in the dis-. s duties to 'the great instiwhich ho cast his lot as, a with which he was affiliated ia! a corntury, the outstandristic of Henry J. Haack was ility. If the assignnmeft was [thé duty onerous hie ca-e equal to the task and Its FOR TII This well-constructed work bench is the ideaI gift for Dad or Lad. More than 2 feet wide and six feet long. It provides ai fine table 'for ail home .craft. Prived, unassembled, a t..................... $7 $ e7 .EoUU reCently Norman W. Smnith, J. 0101 elected master of Wilmette Lodge, No. 931, A.F. and 4.M., will be jormalîy inducted tonight (Thurs-. day) at ceréenoines in the Wilmette Mason ic temple. Frederick D. Ehlcrt of Chicago, district de puty grand master, wiiI conduct the installation, beginning at 8 o'clock. With solemn pride we, the inembers of the Board of Commissioners o! The Wiimette Park District , bestow upon him and the services hoe rendered to bis con-mnuuity this mark. of our highert commendation. .We do further resolve that the Secreto tary be, and hie te hereby, directed the present. a copy o! these resolutiolis to fainily of Henry J. Haack, with ex-. pressions of sympathy for their bereave-. nient. Miles B. Geringer Il:? " 11 ie. * Blverware Just r;paired, replated and lUke new,. reftnished Reasonable Prics, D. PAGLIARULO "For More.Tion 40 Y.ors" Jeweler il"6 Wimtte Av& WI 16