OCCAS MAL MODERN PULL-UP CHAIR chair! Iflb's eautlftuley dma4m% afpiendiliy desigued, oy o deoidedly'neW!1 I R s greafesi' chair-giving vailue.of the fine of the Phoenix Chair Company chair one - of - a - kind in popular below manufact'urer% cost. Uont we ve ever heldi Be here EARLY!, MODERN OCCASIONAL estic about the muart siaupU.. city of this bigla baok eha% and the lovely novelty fabule COYriRg Ira'~ a $16.88 granid gWt-buy! We Prowime -jou'li be othumi- PULL-UP CHAIR beautlfully168 carved'$1.8 Righi Beautiful ISth Century chair, and designed, gracefully Jvery chair carrnes the genulne Phoenix label! i 'I PULL-UP CHAIR or period room! This solid mahogafly Chippendale chair would be equally UL smnart li a modem STOItE HOURS UNTIL CHRISTNAS 9:30 A. M., TO 9:30 F. M.