Nobody stayed "put." "North shore to so many, "Sweet Little Woinan of authors dart about like gold fish," Mine." Lydia Trowbridge of Winone hostess conlmented.. "Just wben netka, disclosed that she ýwas the you tbink you have one,.be or she'is Betty of, ber book, Betty of the «one. Each. seems to -know,. or else, Conisulate," ýreminiscent of the - days is bent on knowing., the, other-it's w-hen as a -cbild she to Japan. like a big reunion," The clublhouse with ber father, then went the American wafhld.Gess ro ach north Consul 'to Tokio. shore suburb arrived to honor its -Heluix.Wsbre hd tce authors Under bier arm the dummy of a new Th ýe euitèness of Evanston wsbo "iti 1 Gets Wet." a upbeld by the National College of nloSt entrancingphant thimg. Education, in the attendance. of its Barrows, editor o f Child Life.Mariorie president, Edna Dean Baker, *wbose brief caàse rifled of six more had ber volume, *'A 'Child -Is Born," bovered to add, tô the autbor's* table, volumes ."Mugover the book table liesm iesoebautiea'30,000 gins," boasting sale the first fui Christmas spirit ; the head' of the year. Frances Cavanab. ber associate. (lemonstration schiool of. the c'ollege, bad bier recently .publisbed book. on Celara Belle Baker. was also, there. the table.. "'Phe. Cbildren1 of the Northwesterh university ivas repre- White flouse," a book that required' sented by, Dr. James Taft: Hatfield, mucb research and that is partficular-and Missý DuClés of tjue school of dly lovely. speech. The Puçkian spirit ofDr . M-.-Charles Elijott aInouinted 'a afI elaborate inscribed s wit~h jnew antbem, and a telephione cal! the ai]elaoraelyinsribd cpvof his 1next day inforrned tbe chairman of first publishied book. Profusely anid the day that tbe inspiration of the rapturouslv she thanked imii-in dis-. afternoon was producing another. inav she openied to pages of Sanskrit! Theodosia Pavnîter of Glencoe swelled The brains of Winnetka ivas there 'the table at the last mnoment witb in the Presence of Ruth Hlarshai, ten operettas, and Miriam Potter educational director of Carson. Pirie, witb an arrnful of her brain cbildren.. Scott and companv, and iii Mrs. !With regret it wvas learned that shie Carteton WVashhurnie, whose husband iis flovin.g to New York. u1nfortunatcly could ziot be there. i Two tables %vould fils volume "The Rght Book for the ýthe output of 'north better bave belci Right Child' served as a directorv to (Volumes of authors shore authors. regretful yabniothers purchasing books.. sent, as Lionel Wiggzam, Howard La Nlar Sheridan WVairick of Ev- Vincent O'Brien, Josephine Turck anston, instructor of contemvorary Baker, and. johni Watson hugtat Northwestern; was also a 1were also there. Anita WillettsWilder' source of pride to the nortb shore. ham's 4 'Around the World on a BurnPenFor onie bour she held ber audience nv" ivas announced as a second through continuous moments of miracle of the loaves and fishes. tense interest and amnused laughter. I n fact, the authors and members She reviewed almost a dozeni of the in a burst- of neighhborly and artistic best recent books.. enthusiasm would bave walked off Conference called away Kenil- !with the Philanthropy Book sale if ivorth's pastor, Dr. Herbert \Willett, Mrs. Rigler, in charge, had not tactrepresented ini bis notable volumes fully rescued ït. fier unusual display on .Hebrew . literature, and M[r. Ny- wvas distinctly laudable. gaard, Kenilworth's belo'-'.dscl;ooiMrs. George Vaught. nresictent of1 PA TRONIZE 0CR Tatman's extendir a cordial.welcome te the F7asington Nattional lnarance C., I z L~~S .i ag<r rom rSl(atman s 707 art editor, of the Herald-Exami will bave a second volume of. tramn stories in the early sprin9, Jss Stroveît s rotfler, I-ei in business in Dayton, C comingz, home for tbe wei io, and -eiid, OPEN E VER Y EVENING (JNTIL CHRISTMAS