NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS t Cocktall set. Shaker, cups, and tray. Chro'me. and blue glass. $10 Nut bowI, chrome and waInut. 10» diameter. $5,' Cream and sugar set. ChÉrme finish- with black handles. 3 Pieces, $3.S0 Modern'crys+al vase. 9" hg.$2-50 ..M odem in amp. Chromnium plated base. SiIk shade. $8 G TS FTS FO R AYMEts TH The. carved frame 18 FOI HOME. Loui s-XV Lounge Chair covered i your choice of damnask, tapesfry or velour in a wide range of colors. The pillow is filled with down and foathers. Reversible spring cushion. $ 4975 CHAIRS BELOW (left to ricaht) soIid walnut. $41.50 4< o b o(Pur .OccasionaI Chair of solid mahogany i damask, fapestry or brocatelle covers. $1975'