C. J. ZIPPIUCH, JIR. D. E. BOGGESS P.W.MLR A. C. LYNCH B. A. oew E. R. AUDmmC P. G. Bms W. T.,CARISON Ask 1YTur nRepreseuitative fer a Deni.mstraiou TIlday Youl'l Need Ple'n't.y of Coaâl During- the Holidays At this fine, especially, you want a warm, cheerful home with plenty of dependable fuel in the basement. So, during the rush of the holidays, don't forget to telephone us your coal order. SIf you operate a stoker, our service will be of special value tn vuur stocks of stoke~rrnslçi ,areverv cnmplete and our or we remove refund your money." c nçàumens ompany.,. GUARANTEED COAL - COKE - FUEL OIL Phones Wrilmtt. 1300, Winnélkm 3386, Glencoe 75 .1