ORANGES t* 000...3 GRAPEFRUIT Ful ofJu' POTATOS-o . l* " pke 29c CHRI.ST&lATREES AT LOWESTIPRICES, **** .. do&.45c. 8Gfo veryfhi. gi. E V.e*ofoiforour Tablé Moffett Photo Howeard.Judson White, 32 Linden avwnuç, Wilmette, natioiIally knotwn architect, passed away Iast Frýiday. Mr. White, of the 'firm of Graham Anderson, Probst, and White, desined the Field Museurn. the Wrig- FRUIT CO.o FLORIDA -3'LOCATIONSWillntte Cor. Main and [aec Sts. 160Sheridan Rd. d'No Mau's Land" The Bou cCar Cor,. Oak & Church 2 Ibks. vest of * Mlarshali Field!s ols at the early service, beginning at 7" G'clock. These youngsters bring a touching, cbildlike quality to the singing of the old folk songs and man,, modern airs during this bappyseason. Dr. Clausen, ont bf the youniger, religioius leader s, bas b.een pastor. of> his present cburcb silice 1933. The edifice. is a replica of'the famed .St. Chappelle, ini Paris. In the east, Dr. Clausenl is widely. known as a radio townt meeting ,leader.. He ministers espec-ially, to, a large blody, of studentS ini Pittsburgh colleges. and schools, followinig in ýthe footsteps of bis predecessor, the late Wallace C., Petty. HERE FOR HOLIDAY$ Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.> Hoskings .of 8918 Park avenue bavle t.heir two Sons. witb them for the, Christmas, holiday. Paul, wbo bas a position. ni, Buffalo witb an engineering company, arrives Christmas êve, andl Ted, came home on Wednesday from the University of Illinois., CHIIRSTMAS SALE of CIJOICE VINES and« LIQUOIH Lanson, 1926........... .Quart 4Zà Chateau Gay, Domestit.. Quart $280 Quart 8338 B & G French ...... SPARKLING IIIROUNDY IMI'ORTED CORItDALS ..e.......... taig Plnch Valker Black y ............ RTID RUMS _. ...... Fiftl t Label..Fit .. . F ftl F ftl . .. .. Fifth $8.49 Ffth 8.49 Apricot ................. Ftth 8.49 Cherry, ................. Creme De Menthe........ Fit t 8.40 ttb 4.8LU .Benedlctine .. ý............ ith&2 ... DraxnbuiO............... Flth 5.2& Grand .Wla.ý Mai'nler ......... Cointreau....... . OLD MR. BOSTON NECTARS Cherry . . . .F Apricot Blackberry....... ... Peah ......... ..... 810 Gin........ orange (lin .............. irth 81.690 Firth 1.69 Frth 1.60 Frth 1.60ý Firth. 1.40 Frth 1.69 I................. ......... ......... ...... Ct or dark) ... b..... s Halfit & 1 .... *8.8 ad..............6 Mbon.................8.0 a8....... .............8&Si 7 ........ Aie.........