and Best, wishes for luckanid. for happiness tYOU and CHRISTMAS GREETINGS: from the YOURS: and. sincerest, Crood Wis les fogr Happy New Year! 1937" COFFEY'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP 732 BEYRER ELECTRIC& RADIO SHOP 11.131 Central -Avcenue RiDGE ROAD F1iORISTS beauityshop i 137 333 Ridge Rood Wlmette Twelfth Stret Cenral .Ave. n'p and a Season's Greetings! our . and . Vear. friendship 's i ?, mun)iths older! .Anothicr Cale Wilinette 18 i Wi]rniettc Avenue Oppo;ite iVillazgO' Hall 1 Health, happiness and good fotune. May they ail be yours during 19,37. Wishing you 36.5. days of happiness and good cheer. We thank our friends and patrons and hojpe th provide many more houri of enjoymrent for them. I FIERBON GARAGE 73,2 Terminal Hardware Store 41 1 BLESER'S BOWLING ALLEYS 1903 Schiller Wilmette 54.16 Twelftiz Street Linden Avenue phones: Wi mette '1370- 5368 j L ,n Baiy IRad allroad Avenue) Evanston IlZGr enleaf Ave.: Wilmette 409