C.harles W. Spooner, Jr., son] of Mr. and MrsX 'harles WV. Spooni- are niaking plans for a June Miss rw, agtro cabr wedding to take placéea Woods Mr. avd Mrs. B'r A, Crowe. -234 1fol e., Raleigh road, Kenilworth, entertained Miss Warbasse is the daughte r of. a few of her school friends at luiu ci. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Warbasse. -Dr. e0'on at her 'home oný Tuesday. Warbasse, the welI-known econoM1ist, ciety, of, the United States, and tlhe author of, maniy. books on this and à eat Hmefo Frionds allied, subjccts. His, dauëfhter attendýMissJa aeyo 5 Iaw-I ed the Packer institute 'in Brokin tor elan LàWinetkaf 'ill2b e at~ and~~~~ Conciutcleean a ome, to lher friends. from 5 in.til 7l master's ýdegree in bacteriology from 'îcko ewYa'sdy à er l'ko N the medical school of Columbia uniI versity. Mir. Spooner is teaching mechanical. engineering' at the University of Michi6an where he received bhis master's: degree> after graduatiÛg from Corneli university. He is a. member of Phi Gamma' Delta frateriiity. Durinç 4he-holidftys, Mr. Spooner will be in the east visiting hiN, fianxcée and bier family. is presidélit of the Cooperative- so-' er of 435 Grove street, Gleincoe,j Has Luncheon Gues d Our A KWord. to the, Wise About ,ertisers, Add to the succes0f your party by iserving Exce1 Ice cream nolda, tees, frappes or a deltclous fresh fruit punch. Ask about our apecial Feek-End Brieck EXCEL UC! CREAM Co. 1611413 SIMPSON ST1. Wihnette 3169 i Reveal Granddaughfer's Befrothal fo WinnetIcan Mr. and Vrs.1 of' Winnetka and announce the et 'ry E. Robert son ystal Beach, Fia.," gement of their I university in Paris last si.mmer. Mr. Brooks is also a student at Northwestern and is the social chairman of Sigmna Chi fraternity, Gammaà sorority at Northwestern% university and attended the Sorbonne xinih sainember ui LKapp~a Kappa Mistlefoe Hop The yo.ung peop school 62~ lor D>ouglas Floodof w enïlworth, wh:o departs shortly after the first of the Yèar to take up bis diplomatie' Post in 'Spai. 9VaUI