tion of the hours, the evening being devoted largely to a general gettogether.. A 1bountiful buffet supper was served at 7:30, followed by the annual election of officers, afterewhich the program called for everybody to have, a good time. It, is recalled that approximately one year ago the association openeéd its beautifully furnished central office at 1155 Wilmette avenue, to serve not only as a center for its own activities, but also as ,a place in whièh citizens', whether mfembers of. the association or not, might drop i to write a letter, make a telephone call, wait: for .a train or'.meet a friend, and wb.cre çommittees from social, civiç or religious organizations- might hold sessions. In a brief review of the past year's operatkins, it was pointed 'out that the outstanding accomplishment of the association was the blocking of the election by which it was sought to incorporate No Man's Land as a sepàrate municipality. While its success in preventing the election admittedly did not solve the problemi, efforts at a solution have been continued and are expected to terminate successfully. business consumeadbut a minor por- nue. Wimette; twelfth,' Michael jq'),orrer, 2210 Kenilworth *avenue, and, Dr. H. F. Pine, 2143 BeecÊhwood.avenue: thirteenth, W. C. Black, 1081 Romona road. and Arthur C.. Young-, berg. 1004 Hibbard road. New Officers Mr. ,Carter succeeded Harry H. Wolf, 1140 Seneca road, and Mr. Hinshaw. Mr' Brailsford, Mr...,Eckhardt. Mr. Hays, *Mr. Feltman andl Mr. Salerno, are: other new officers. .Mr. Fieberg took the place on theboard of directors formerly. held by. Clarence H. ýKavanagh, 349 Maple avenue. and Mr. Clarke that Of John S. Doig, 820, Oakwood avenue. Mr. Gleason took the place of Bachmann, Mr. Kershaw that of Albert J. Crane, .and Mr. Cochran that of John W. Costello. The election being disposed of,President Ricksen announced a brief session of speech-making, admonishing.the orafors that too serious subjects were taboo. To emphasize this he called upon L. F. Owen, wbo added to bis laurels as an after-dinner speaker by transcending al bis former efforts. Mr. Owen was followed by WV. Frank McClure, Village Presidenit Harry C. Kinne, John Taylor Booz, ~AttorevII'T 1 UntVlnçyD...iA 1e".. J. 8. Seyler Wilmétte. We sincéreI y hope to be able to continue* to contribute to your greater happins throughout the» comhing year. E. C. Cazel HYDROX ICE CREAM New'Year's Bell Conter Brick Pkg. Nessefrode qL 3 Fancy Molds îIceCreax Cks u CakPesan PADS FuUy SqtIDE Royal Deluxe Mlxed Nuts, lb.79 7 Capsules 59C east Ane Wladsov Tablets 43c TISSUES 27c lm49C I ... retired at thie meeting as a ireuc of the organization anid was in tLurri clected executîve vice-president. Other vice-presidents elected at the mieeting were Robert Tarrant, 1250 ýChestnut avenue; W. E. Hudson, 509 Fores t avenue; C. Rollin Smith, 1728 * Highland avenue; Chartes W. Rigley, 10 Canterbury court; Wallace L. Milter, 610 Forest avenue; Dr. E. E. *Graliam, 28 1 9 Iroquois road;, John H. I Y .Rub .. :FI retrosynuum... $125 Saraka........ 50c Aqua Velva...... 75c Noxzema Cream A. P. W. FORT ORANGE TOILET TISSUE Paul H. Jyeberg, .330 tGreenleaf ave.ue; sixth, C. H. Smith, 71.1 Laurel avenue, and Wilber P. Robertson, 518 Greenleaf avenue; seventh, Jamies da~ M ~ H-1 md rer while her son atteh college.