north shore. Thfis year an attemPt t a 11l çoncernýing the meetinig ini prîugtiei ms eec was. made to get out f roni under the marine racng Ms Alice Webb' Burchard, 445 bone' dry law, after a haif dozen Westerfeld states, avenue, Gléncoe, a member of Drexel merchants of the territory were -ar-> depart ent, spenitth English. ,,the jWostefeld r~ v.e hat t or rested for, selliiginitoXicantg, by in-. minute fortnight ini El Paso, Texas. Norman spent he corporati.ileg into a separate village. on1 the race'course, he spenit foure or G. Christensen. 565 Orchard]le'.' The ' moveiwent collapsed w h e ii five, houles in 1 bis sbop grooming bis Xinnetka,. science teacher, is' returnenough petitioners withdrew their outfits for the :coming event. He eling from Westfield, Wis. Other faculty members wrho -are renames to invalidate the petition. ,But pointed out that extremne care and include: remaining to ýbe; solved in-, 1937 .is. precisioin is ieeded -in aliy field :of turning to'the nrhsre avenue, Ridge the problemn of No Man's., Land's 33. 1632 Evans, Ethel înechanics.iss acres. Miss S.D.: Yankton, Evanlston. from avenue, Mapfle 2219 -Flemington, dah -A Evanston. from Wahpetoni,, N. D.. - Dean Brown of Yale. Mathew Francis PhotO. MANAGER .11 Obo,812 rOaktvd-avenue', Wtlimdtte, and once (1930-1934)j muanager of that village, and later ani ent i'uer for the Public Woik ?iiinistration,u'os chos>n titis year as anager of Ken il-wzortlî. zvillaup tion pictures, ban theni entirelv, on Sunday and after il p.m., impose a heavy license fee and a strict censorTl'eoni movies now shown in th f Dean Charles R. BroWn, great preacti- ;versitv club. Evanston, from- River1134 er and educator who bas. influencedîn- side. Celif.; Robert E. Gaýtten. Lexîngfrom Evanston, street, hurch numerable yugmndrigbsln Gerup* 1406 Chi-, is- I connection at Yale university, speas t on, Ky.: br Easofo avenue, cago Janclub, Rvening the Chicago Sunday enS.D uary 3 in Orchestra Hall.9 CIy4de o, aratetr, vairsity basloetball Out of the richness of.his yéars ofsc coach and matheniaties bas.eball in church, comnityýc cessfil. leadership 818 Sixteenth street. Wilty and instructor. *rkh and clle e mette. spent part of the vacation in o, C Wl 'sus g .lgous Li fe uinder.These Changed Con-i Lebanlon, mnd. Miss, Elizabeth Hadden. Orrington hotel, Evanston. ditions." visited ini Muskegon, NMich. Miss to! presented was When lis portrait Yale last J une tbe following con' Margaret Healv. 1110 Crain street. vntn.vctoedi.LkeXTls ment was miade, among others: "Dean Brown gives a well balanced, satisfying 1Fia.. and Miss Aima Hurst. 625 Elevinterpretation of Jesus' life and teaching: enth street. Wilmette. in Lexington, always clear, objective, direct and prac- Kv. New Year's Speaker Érederick Donald Frisbie. of the Uni- DEMIOCÉAT c. 1131 Green Tliom),,as J. Bav road. Glencoe, wlw fou ght the Kelly,-Nash political machine and * sppotcdGot'ernor'Henlry orner. He zoas elccted Dellzocratic towîîlship conuitteellnan over lus tIwo op- Preaching Mission. The New Year matif wiil run through the concert to be given by the Chicago Sundl(ay Evenling club choir of 125 at the main meeting heginning at 8 under the direction of Edgar Nelson. Wilmette Student Is on NN"lmette - avenue. Wilmette, f rom -Sheridan, Ind.; Miss Elizabeth E. Packer,, 415 Skokie road, Glencoe. from Upper Monclait. N. J.; Miss Mabelle A. Payton. 383 Park avenue, (* Glncoe, from Ames, Ia., and Jerome 0. Prendergast. 414 Wjnnetka aveunue, Indian Hill, from Dubuqtte la. i MissFleanor Rob son. of the Or- village. which owns a tract of land i he openling Of class wui on (Glencoe road between Hazel av- ary 4.; Janu-. bury fbr ýthe hol cemetery. ~ury ur te hcland