Crozded Calendar * \ith the resumption of its classes following thc Christmas recess, and Nvith a programn on etching which wil1 also mark the opening of a black aidc white exhilbitiqin, the North Shore Art, 'Icague lias a crowded calendar for *Inuary. Morris Heinrv Hobbs, aý member ýof the league. and, one of the outstandiîîg etchers of the Chicago area, is-to of, the printin'ý give adeosrto of etch ings Thu rsday evening, Januýary 14. ý Mr. ýHobbs' national repuýtation w~as receintly recogiiized by the Smithsýotliîan iiistitrute lin Vashingtoî.l whien.iin the division of graphie arts. ail exhibition of his prints wvas shown froiù Nove:mher 30 to January 3.. The public is inivited to hear his programn Januarv 14, a small fee beinig charged nion -méibèrs. Loan ]Exhîibit Supplemclitilig anl exhibit of, blacki and white work byx members, the league wl have a loan exhibit froin the Chicago Society of ltchers; its, opelnilg coinicidliing ith Mr. Hrobbs' prograili. TheIast..quarter of the first term of the leaguies classes is to start nlext Nancy Coonsman Hahn's week. - cullpture group will mneet in the stuViiiWinetka Comrnunity House dlio i ifrom 9 to 12 o'clock 'Monday, January 4, and that aiterinooni, from 1 o'clock until 4, Frank H. Dilloni's class iin por- 50e a o'-cloc k. and wilI hiave itc, second session, the folbovving day at the same hours. The second session Of Mr. Dilloîi's grouip. will be held from 1 .o 'clocl, ujtil 4 Wedîiesday. Thursdav is an open day for icague members, wlien ain of them nnay, work in the studio, and ou Friday Francis Chapinl will iinstruct in modeml techuique, tak,*ing over the group formnerly taughit b-, Malcolm Hackett. This group has, criticisni and instruction in the studio SCHI (First introduction and-Rondo Caprice! -OsO, foi' Violin and Orchestra . . .. Saint-Saefls Stef an Sopkln Legend, "The Swan of Tuonela" ...................... Igor" Dances, from "Prine orodifle -Polovetziafl .................... 614 DAVIS STO,