of those ii e cai doesn't lower the tot A nîerry Christir Chiristmas ilot so go( cti>n mut boar the nmanmd aSGflSU @orsthe UU8Uior ne1essarily for publication, but for Our îles. 'Suàh ,nterial cal 1 it "A' for muet reacýhti.eitor by Tuesday noms, to bel. im re the current issue. HAPPY.NEW, YEAR! They neyer leamn With every protnineflt kidprison, naper in the country rounded up and i kidnaps and Tacoma anot1ier-gang breaks out in to the, son of a wealthy physician. It's dollars caught. be wll dougbnuts that they PAY TAXES AT HOME Trier Announcement. by Sanborn 'Hale,, New coltownsh 1ip tax collec to r,,appearing in -another of umnn of this paper, that the second instailment payable, real estate taxes for 1935 i ow due and estatereal from should meet .with ready.,respgnse a distinct owners of the township, who have at home, iiiadvantage ini paying their taxbuis stead of, to the county collector. to have Mr. Hale states that hie doés not,.expect colýthis make more than three weeks in whicli to miost is to be lectiQD, and for~ this reasonl, if the bills should be *gained by local taxing bodies, the axong paid as promptly as possible. Outstatidiiig home the tax the advantages is that wheni paid at of al lfunids flow more quickly into; the coffers schooi dis*cal taxing bodies, such as the villages, Practitricts, park districts and the high school. ~n.ee(l Ii are *cally all of these units of goverimielit inistallmett of the funds due them fromn the second of these buis that of the 1935 taxes, .and the more Knock! answer. No Knock 1 Knock!! It is a valued privilege, to wish the many memdoor Year, New bers of our -weeklyr audience A, Happy KNOCK!!1 Then from the other,gjteDf-he t's .n to xpress, the hope that health and prosthere?"PI " Who's a -gruif vredemnanded 1937, during .you perity will. go hand in hand with me," piped a ch ildish: vOice. visited paper.bas this "Who'sm? again demandlufe.'That through aIl and in, so many of the homes of Newý Trier to*nship. ed the grui voice. "I'm your andate to continue yersis accepe a pas new littie boy,>' came the, an-> outstanding it swer. 'i3ut I didn't order any those policies that have made for it Pamong community publications, and won new littieý'boy. So how..core?" its, of others with thie. high awards in competitiOn *asked the voice beyond class, throuighout the country. door. "I was sent here Aby 'our of some of short corne While we may hve who knows everybody's no short- Onie nieeds,, and I was told to stay i-deals,--we feel thatthere bas been a year; and do you a good coming ini the matter of presenting a news-magaand home, any into d accepte be to zi nec worthy turn every day, if you will is there True, fanifly. the ail by to be read let' nie," replied the urchin. 'ha woul4 which of %vord every omnitted items The door opened just wide parents, voice sharned of heart the a dagger throtugh enoughi to permit the owner of the gruif innorom f tears niane?," your scaldîng wring "What's out. would or which put his lhead these to Cent children. That is because we see in asked. "Anno Domini," came the answer.ý lie with commensurate value news no occurrences "Annto I)oini what?" asked the man. "Anno besides, And, the possible harmi the\- might dIo. ineteén Thirty-Seven," announced the. Don i reading of Nv'e do îlot think the\ are the type yýounigster Nvith much pride in his tone. "That to wish parfents shore north average that inatler gran'1pappy who just left?" inquired the man. of ini- your much too is There hoines. their into b)ring NXo Palpy," said the urchin. "Well, if it was cointhis in teresting ne-ws of people ý'nà events yoiir pappy, lie was a heap better than your gran'Iwhich that relating in space here t'he vear before.lIlsay that w sacrifice I* , hi to mnunitv 4 uilingeveins to credit paynments Où couty the books, he is willing to assumne thsadtol may be made irksome duty in order that the funds Coopquickly available to ail local taxing bodies.. apprecibe will eration on1 the part of taxpayers wbose dutyý it ated by Mr. Hale and those officiais is to "keep the homle ires burninig." readers n.'wish "A Happy iNee Veai'." jkiii the 01"' -- LET THE SUN SHINE IN If Governor Horner is, sîncere in his declared intention tc, dean .up the parole mess, he will receive the hearty support of thiatportion of the of public whichi does not profit f rom the release seein only interested is and dangerous crimninals their ing that persons convicted of crime: serve Xot to speak of, anyway.7 "ayue it was yuur own 'fault," said the youngster, with some asperity. "M.\aybe you just didn't do your part to help. Did you treat other people as youwanted them.to treat you, as the Golden Rule says, or did you try to take advantage? Were you absolutely honest in aIl y-our dealings, or did you try to skin a little here, and there? When hungry folks asked you for' somethng to eat, did you feed them or drive themn awvay? Did y ou contribute to the Community chest? Or .buy Christmas seals? Or make a h'opeless camnpaigfls to prevent people rom iuummiting suicide and niurder, with the automobile as the instrument of death. It was recently stated that automobile manufacturers had proved evrymasfrsafe and sape driving exScept one-the nxan at the wheel. That is,,one: ied to shinie high, time that the sun shoulad eboard allowi operations. parole of inito the dark recesses thèse days The number of, planes being, lost ijustified. Causes, one to, wonder if al theç speed Vrou rice. nev1er experience a Happy New Year until, Y learn to willingly and joyfully render that servi INow may 1I come in" "Sure," spoke the man in w voice no longer gruif, "corne on ini, kid, and 1 iînake -a try at it." t a,P,zrtt lix RýlpotTEt. etyuml--- j"Hie rHANTONI