nead of the art cUepdI LIInt iCL" the Chicago Record, and served that publication as arti st and as corres-. pondent during the Spanish-Americat iwar where bisg sketches gave him national renown.- After' that conflict he tour ed in' Mexico. taly., Spa in., Africa, making a nd n o.r t.he sketches. Hé.e iac; particularly noted for bis' sdies of ý ild fowl and of huntiti and fishing scenes and illusýtrated .maniv books and 'Magazine: articles on oqtdoor l.ife. He covered mainv of the big news* events of the day. nîakinz dramatic sketches afiddrawv-, ings of the major scenes. An'. invalid for several years. lie' %vas attacked bv. influenza which later developed into nemoia-h cause of bis-death. Funeral services will be held in the chapel at Rosehill cemeter-v o~n Thursdav afternioon. He was survived bv bis widow, Mrs. Clara Thurnau Schmedtgen, and bv a dauzlhter. MNrs. Alan Copeland Collins of Pliil-. adelphia.. came SPORTY 18 MOLE -CÔU RSE ADJOINS OLGIE ARMS' MOTEL Ensign Arthur M. Peter:, attachcd to the Untited States _Navy Air base at Pènsacola, Fia., and Ms Peters. are. holiday guests o9f h is parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. John. J. Pcf rs, 1519 J'Vashtingtonj avenue. lSnsin Peiri, ho is an instriuctor In.)instrumnit J*flyin, is einoyiflg a apart tof 23-daYzv sf<..of abeneil îs. PetAf with sPcnt bc will Whicl; crs' parents. .11 r and Mrs. Kurt RcichcIt, 24-58 Y. 22nd street, MilThcy imade thc journey i(aiikec. and report a, automobile, north by aid.ic'eAlabamia in lrea7,%,bizzard coatcd roads ini Indiana. PATRONIZE ýOUR ADVERTISERS F. C. Surgantv Passes Away; 111 for Year Is Married in Sister's Frederick Christian. Surganty, 8,00 ol Wers\alter Pari of Coatsville., asl .30 ears ago.i, rtn the f aiilv had been residptsafce.I mette. Until bis retirenient about five ~ae \vas a very simple years ago, hie was a traveling -sales1 The ýNedd(ing by the bride's pcrfornxed ecreniony He firm. representative of an eastern Montgoiner-, lý-d(ward Rev. had been ini 111 health for abouta year. ncle. the Harbor, Midi. There Nver e Masonic fneral services were cu of Benton attendants. ducted on Mondav ini Ravenswood by ino wedding bride. whô marriage,-thie lier For the Rev. Hubert Carleton of Wilmiette. and Ms Mr. of '.,r. Surganty had for iany years beeni i the daughter of Redwood Falhý.. Robe.rt Sýtewýart active in Masonic work in the éast. ocrhMds with ail .. d-.;whie . - Dinner at the OLD DOMINION is the subject of- the talk ta bc gInk by Mrs. Uoward C. Ives of Wil at the. Sunday afternoon ser ice at 3:30 o'clock on January 3 in Fi >undation hall, Baha'i Universal He ýuse of Worship, binden -ivenue and Shieridan road, Wilmette, and Mrs. R. Lee MegC Oxford road, Kenitworth, their hopse guests Mr. M, b)rother and wife, Mr. and M t er Mfegôweil. and son, W who arrived Monday fromi l'ich; -Mr. Telephone Greenleaf vva a.11 1jr., Liac, 1 . Operated by PHILIP'A. DAN]