oDAI FURNMUURE n1 M 5t a sm . m C Pw * i in Banner Year of the Cusack Realty company,_ ancnased the new residence at 4-/- nounced last week that, as of DecemBerkeley avenue, at the corner of Oak street, Winnetka.. The Caverley ber 1, ber company had bandied more famniiy bas iiïved ,at. 561 Eilder la n.e. than 120 per cent more*dollar volume Winnetka, for. severai years. The, than it, did.in the entire year of 1935. 0fthe Cusack offices, the greate.st iniEider lane residence bas been purwas shown in the- Winnietka crease cbased by C., S. BeaI of Libertyv.ilie., office under, the management of ArThenew .Caverley 'residence,1 it wiil thur. C. e, Gedge. a a* While in past years December bas he, recailed, was constructed às miodel..home. and was open for ini- been more or less a very quiet month, sPection a few months: ago, wben it this December bas. so far proven the .was visited' by tbousands. of 'nortb exception to the rule and contracts -'bore peopie. The. borne was de- signed by the.Cusack Realty cômp any -4gned and buitby C. ýA. Hemphil have 'aimost reached .the> business k Associates, 522. Davis. street, Evans - donte in the high months of.April and. ion, witb Raymond F. Houffiban servSeptember., If December of 1936 is ipg. as arcbitect. It, was exhihited indicative of 1937 tbis company exhy-W. G. Ruggles and éompany. Ev-. pects to triple tbe business done. in -inston and north shore reaitors,. 1934 -and 1935 combined. The 8-room residence. of, French Prices in Ailtypes of realty have indesign, contains four bedrooms, and during 1936. The most déficreased bas as special features a recreation ,nite increase has been in-the price of room, paneélIed study or den, and has surrounding tbe north choice acreage a two-car attacbed garage. and west suburbs. Vacant town property bas increased somewbat. The Hemphiii, wbo is also the builder. R. most marked increases have been in. F. Houlihan, 522 Davis street, Evans- neigbborboods witb a bigh proportion ton, is the architect. A. J. Chester, of operative building being carried 704 Washington street, Evanston, bas on. New homes are seliing for more the plumbing contract, andi tbe Shore because of rising material and labor Line Electric company, 2728 Ainsiee costs and the demand allowing constreet, Chicago, will do the electric tractors a more legitimate profit. workc. The older homes are stili selling at tbe. SERVI'CE and SALES$ Distributors of Hart, and Timiken Sulent Autonxatic Equipmnent DAY AND NIGHTý SJEVICE-ALL M/'KES Dec. 16-E. Kraft, 1310 Wilmette avenue, residence alterations. $150. Dec. 17-1. P. 0 'Connor. 2124 Cbestnut avenue, brick- veneer, res;dence *and 2-car, attached garage. -Arcbitect, Fi. Clark' Hitikiey. Plumber. Joseph Mattbauser., Electric work., Bond I& conpanyr.,$12,000. .Dec. 23-A.,J.. Weriss,. 2154 Thortiwood avenue, brick veneer residence, Architect,. S. N. Eicbberg. Builder. Jamnes Cabonarzi. $8.000. Dec.. 29-Frank Kilmner, 918 2lst street, private garage. '$258. Kenilworth Building Continues on:Up>1o Ver>, Close of Yeare Building of new resîdences,, many of which have eitber been completed or started ini Kenworth -4uri*ag 1936, continued up to the very close of tbe year, witb tbe issuance of a permiit, on December 28, for a -new nine-room. two and one-haif story dwelling,> of raeandl brick veneer construction, costing $20,000. The plans aiso call -for an attached two-car garage. The improvement iF to be located at 502 Greenwood aveC. A.1 OIL BURNERS' AIR CONDITIONINC 1141 GreemIaf Ave., Wilmette Phone 221 Wilnette &ervingthe, North Shoare lor 25 Years 41/% INTEItEST Roside.tialproperties., wstrict. d arems. Ewansion and North Shor. 5 or 10 year trmn. s.apI-a»nunal interest paym.m*s. 18 SIIERMAN AVE. EVANSION CENTRAL 1812' DAVIS 2233 il 50. LASALLE ST. C*IICAGO todlay ç înursday) xor tDes JMineslV L visit friends for New Year's and. the week-end before returning to bis studies at Grimneli college on Monidlay. Dick Rossman of Wasbington, D. C., spent bis Christmas vacation witb bis aunit, Mrs. J. T. Lampman, at 1 Claverack, N. .Y. Th ne usack Realty company believes that 1937 wiil far surpass in real estate activit'y the combination of any two years ini the past six. Tbis company bas increased its organization and facilities witb t bat point in mmnd. RETURN FROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Drayer of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Snyder of 1444 1034 Elmwood avenue returned to Lake avenue and their two sons, Ed- Winmette on Saturday, having been warda ,ndIRobert. retuiindrItn XVi1 away for more than three weeks. :OBs & COMPANY IRVIN JACOBS, Sole Owner Enferprlse 7100. No phone charge fo You ,ouise Triggs of 1100 Asbland vil return to St. Mary's col- tral avenue bave as tbeir house guest Mr.. and Mrs. H. C. Hall of 500 Ceix- clilcage otre Dame on Sunday. Sbe W. H. Field of Ottuuiwa, Iowa, who iwith ber parents, Mr. and will leave aftèr tbe first of the year. arles W. Triggs, 'during the Mr.,,Field bas been visiting tbe Hall family for the past montb.