niation under the auspices of the National. Board of Radio Service Standards, it is pointed oujt. Radionecer Mlarty took his exýawi;ation in Chicago, last November. >A Radioneer flot only rnust demonstrate his ability, but is governed by the high standards of the Code- of Fair Trade Practices emibodied ini the by-, laws of Radio Service Rcgistry. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "God" will be the subject. at the services in First Chuirch of Christt, Scientist,, Sunday morning, Janiuary3,atIl0'lokheld lu the edifice at' 1003, Central -avenue. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Specializingi, Homes.Rentais Homesiles'e -Morigages - Acreage: and Commercial Pro>erties -Insurance North Shore 'Office 715 Ettn. Street - Phone Winnetka 715 WINNETKA 9~. A. %jrIwatrick be R. A. Kirkpatrick, lecturer from the Union. Pacific Railroad company. -Mr. Kirkpatrick will give an illus-1 c4 nnornacng The New Longmeadow Development for Country Homes trated lecture on "Boulder Dam" and1 wi Il also show slides of the Utah Arizona National parks. He bas been a close observer of the Bou'der Dam project, hiaving interested himselfi >inany years ago in the plan. . 1-is stereopticon pictures of the Zion- efer, naturalist and educator. H-e lias, served, several times as corresponding editor of the National Geographic one-fourth the price of high-grade. Winnetka property. We are offering the land in acreage tracts, the largest, ai ready taken, is 15 acres, séveral smaller ones containing less than two acres each are under option. A very countrylike environment provides a background for carefully plan,ned homes. Longmeadow Farm is but a mile and three-quarters from the Indian Hill station, and only thirty-five minutes by society, and. is now special representative of the executîve vice-president of the Union Paciflc Railroad company. The Child Study group will meet! Tuesday, January 12 at 10 o'clock in.i the Howard school auditorium, The Pre-School circle will niePt1 Elnlwood avenue have as their bouse guest Miss, Caroline, Baker of Detroit. SCIIool. did -cxavaru flot return ivieccal to Evanston forJohn the holidays and instead was the guest Of friends, in Little Falls, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. David J, Davis of 721 Telephone: State 5192 hw by'ponm t