Home nuary .the rneet venue Sday wlhlittle 'i ýdren -reveaied tbat'their reading tastes center about books that tell how to do -gad things rather than the fiction niatter Stbat comprises most of the present day reading lists in the. schocls.' I'I wandered lonely' as a cloud'> is a beautiful phrase," she said, "but it holds -appeal, to the student inadeýtwith% ~al ter rînday rvice.. SylmWidor ,iUbe arrett Hiath ,r1mp )hony f the ,ctor gular uch. d its Onday quate reading ability." CIhildm lntemet important A chiid's-individual, interests sbould be takeninto consideration ini any remedial reading program, she said. Such a procedure .will -tend flot only .to improve:reading but, the chiid's mental attitude as welL. Trying to make children, read poetry and the classics whcn their interest-siÏe elscwhcrc is a ,mistake, Dr. Miller believes.. The slow reader resçnts having to- read books in w hie is pot interested. how things arc donc," she said. "They desire information and thuir' reading should provide this niaterial. Boys and girls want to find out about the modern world and to learn how they can take an active part in' it. Our reading lists have not kept up with the rising gèneration." Children Want Facts study convinces lier that Millers Dr. childrcn are interested i obtaining -Chidren are. rnterest e indin~g out dan The I C. r. o. Morris Henry 'Hobbs, recently returned from the east, will démonstrateé the practical work involved in the printing of etchings, at a meeting of the Northý Shore Art league in its, Community studio in Wininetka House, Thuràday evening, January 14,> at 8 o'clock. Mr. Hobbs, Who is regardcd as One of the greatest, technicians in th ai field, and Who docsail the printing of etchingsý for the. Chicago Society -of Etchers, bas been in New York, té secý. publishiers Who use, bis work, and ini 'Washington, ýclosing an exhibition ofi bis:etchingsat the Smithsonian institute. Work of Mr. Hobbs bas, for thepast three 'years,. been included in "The One Hun.dred Best Prints of the Vear," an English book which is international in scope. Mr. Hobbs will print ethings for anyone. Who. lbrig a plate to the art league meeting, showing the possibilities of different cffects obtainable in the printing. GmQuas Bal M" At the January 14 prograni, Mannel Hahni, prograni chairman, wili tell the league nienibers of bis plans for the Mardi Gras masked bail to he lheid Shrove Tuesday evening. Various tableaux and floats will1 be included iii Soupe HEINZ 'hANS.ý BISUITPLAIN OR BISCUM YVEN BAKED UNEEDA ALTRO, e N. B. C. PREMIUM e- e 1OAN 5 S 5<5ç .Cl c e, e e e e5-OZ e e e e CRACKRS.... EGG NOODL.ES. HERSHEYS ENCORE BRAND . S MALL Sc PKG. 4-OZ. PKG. PKG CA 1-0Z KIERHED ~ 5 SNACKS .... CAN BEVERAGE REFRESHING BREAKFAST COCO 3 1-5 OZ.,CAN WAX PAPER 5 EN. .. TOILET SOAF PALMOLIVE OR CAMAY CAE ASc DAILY DOG F00D'. G05 CA es CREAM STYLE c e g lo-OZ. CANS l0< 11 o Golden Bantam CORN. CHICKEN SOUPe e e e e NjO 2 CAN i vpoZ~z ORANQE JUICE CANV LB Y'S 1-0'OZ O l rna4e even Lurch lg a 1030 d1by until January 28, wnen the teague's îactureuc, o r& luia own black and white exhibit will folchoose the latter, she said. low. When 565 high school pupils were1 The children's and juniors' classes. askcd this question, "If you wcre to tandem Mrs. Hope Degenhardt and choose a book that would tell you some-i Mms. Edna May S.- Johansen, will thing you would like to know. what open their last quarter of the fist subject would you choose ?" The first terni Saturday, January 9, meeting ini five choices were in order: sports, avia- the studio from 9.30 to 11 :30. The 1 tion, fashions, mnovies and science. sculpture class was resumned Saturda%, January 2, and ail the adult classes had thcir first sessions of the quarter CA1Oc BROADCA5T SLICED 2-OZ. DRMEO BEEF *.PKQ. lOc MEÂT SpJEIà >el. 1 Iy S, seniE to