ravel eath inds weep. For47 4-,"., 1 t resiiit Iganp zard 1seller La.darbor their ica;l StiriSson an ot eded 1and Mr. sanie J,for He tri. Keep Self Orkuted In spinning. you shoulci look at the ground ini order tol keep yourseif xietel.Start a spin ito the win, facing a designated spot'ôon the honi.zniand.be'able to stop the spin defi-, nitely and pull the nose straight up to .the samne predesignated point. After becoming.more proficient you Ltý may use opposite ru 'dder in stopping. and in order to develope. accuracy and give you confidence i your abil-* itv to control a spin, you sho uldno. longer spin. and recover, but shouldi also miake a certain niumber of turn1rs. or so much of a turn, that you corne out on the, predesignatd pit Practice Fr.quntl $3-9s, The MattressStr i ÀýNAVE HRMA A . A T GRO:vE sTREET, NVERST 2820 EVANSITON I & CO ~and }ibprints liely Àthe o de :ites the pilot the maneuver is really haie reacheti a proficiency to. ITo you simple and far less breath-takquite approa= the time for solo. You will appea Lt is a good idea to practice spins frequently, not only %w.brileundergoing~ instruction, but in after years as well, as practice in this maneuver increases your confidence. in both the plane andi yourself, which in turn makes for better relaxation i ordinary fligbt. The tait spin is extremely spectacular front the ground an&~ an onlooker front below is apparently awestricken. they back, ad in trange indus7 L tropAf ter b,1sit a instruction and your n- ing thanl the roller-coasters,. sncb as are ustually fotind at an amusement stucorivliinform l outhat you are park. r >ntry, cattie takes ruassu, ani o of a ed ]ni Air show. JHe fas just recenty sigIICU Laco--IcIma-eof ail h verste. Ofal the asbiestf eeu- a four year contract with this conllbginvTUf tion, requiring only mechanicai ap-cenTheaisow the United States and plication of controls, and it causes througbout stated before he left that they very littie strain on 'the plane whe.n , Dick' will .give their performance doubt off.n ower donwih the midsummer at Skv Harbor. It is necessary that a student should in know how to spin and recover before Dan Cupiti continues to play havoc he solos for the reason that it not witbiti Uines' of Unitedi Air the ranks bis in rnnd ofiany nrn -, onlv -ives him confidence tor ied.n -- S ______ !N 'hlh