Adm iring employées of a north shore employer set,. inpresented, him witb a conibiflation desk A radio. a and cluding peris, 'inkweil, pencil. baseballifan any MOSQUIT09 BEWARE! handsone. and useful article, e . uifl=t iMUS of i's b rom f ig awaki ito, allow, anid a rigbt good*idea on thé, part 2wili Thepetierusmoqu promptlv niiscreant foui spriflIg's-. the ei pioyýees. But some H.IELp, YOURSËLF winter's nap under the influence oôf next *** stole the thing.. sun, is due to hiear'some.bad news, and, warming is kcind it may At the very beginniflg of the new year, 'it dehear if1 consternation >does not seize bis That 'ripping', tèaring, êtrncbing noise Vour -should be cbarged to the fact that tihe, .insect bas less greatiy tu be desired that our citizens 1)USIl are who stores, is made bjy Mr. and Mrs. Citizen* credit for. aper those termine to. extefld their support tio Iocal inteliligence than,'it has be en given engaged in rducing oscaso attacks seasoi1n'5 the importfor an pened1 shar such are, drills1 E'er occuPY which shops and services, boasted New Year's resoluthe ýwellnorth shore ankiesý, emigrlatio i maY be ant, place. in our econômfy, and uponi upon singing. tions prociaimed and demeasure the being of which. depends in such great deciared,.the better part of Valor when the ciaimed Wi1th impressive ie progress of. the commuflity. leatrns that Thomias, J. Lynch. of, Giencoe, phbalanx patronand. èight -hands raised higb.' It is a mistake for anyone to think that, stepped forth. asthe protector and avenger has "Soemncompacts solermily cerns is of advan- ofhumankind, and as president. of the North age of thèse local business c on benefited. is into." -O, yeah?. That's patron entered The wage agtoý them only. Mosquito, Abatemnent district will, Shore. with. New Vear's upon that species of useiess insect the trôuble war eaiywith the,,patronized, for wel s'upported unremittinig and resolutions. Few have -the upon the rich, red blood of the, nortb stores give an -unmîstakable air of prosperity, of feeds that in search resolution to keep) them. and,21 shore's fairest as tbey disport themnselves in garthis in turn appeais to the'stranger soùn as the hieadachlehe 'as home. future bis field or upon the beach. a community-in which to make den, values that when gins to sulside they're out And the direct effect upon reai estaté .For, if the tnosquitoes do not know tipngtilat tgone with the wind" orsome"Tommny" Lynch undertakes to do à cannotI'btdôobte-d. kind and wbere. Not that it inatters good as done, bis fellow citizens can Trhis commuflity is fortunate in the as is thing and the one way or another, to, fact. And Mr. Lyncb bas sworn ex- mucb, quality of its commercial enterprises, the attest makes conduct people in general. After al.; the one wbo the pests as thé major interest of character of the men and women wbo termnination breaking.ý its in injured or bim will the resolution is niost them.. They offer almost every commodity in of bis employmeflt, and those wbo know and iack of moral stamina to keep faith withl public requires, The the of ail of equipmnent, al that service which the househoider affirm are 'helpthe perone's self leaves him poorer ini character than favoring tbem witb your patronage you finances placed in his bands, and. ail of if no resolution bad been made. Ours? Fie upQrI to bis organization, wiii be honing both themn and yourself. allotted sonnel that' Didn't make any. 1 It is not too late tomake the resolution conand effective >' devoted to that one purpose. them. estly of al during 19à7 you wili patronize local business who In whicb be will bave the loyal support those .help thus and Someone with a yeni for gathering and dis-, cerns, whenever possible, seminating useless, information bas discovered that more men than women go, crazy. Wbat else could hie or anyone expect? A SINGLE FATALITY througb was 1936, but one dark spot mars tbe weii Poltbrough isbed surface .01 that portion running During the .four New Trier township villages. was, accident the entire year no fatal automobile Winnetka or Wii- it is a source of gratification that as one looks the rear window down the bighway that nin-.t Kenilworth. This reporter is getting on in the XVe do inot know wbo penned the followitig a getting on. He is now the proud possessor of jines, but we congratulate him uponl packing of person?) is it a into a few words a, tremendous amount of.trutb., .mascot in the person (or Jackrabbit,' forwarded of Kansas a Larry, effects the .Leaping rom f suffering If Amnerica has been "typicai that of wben an inferiority complex, the timne has come own by a more or iess admiringreader opfine, we ber -prairie state" for the express purpose, she sbould cast it off and begin to toot someproduce horn. Here is a bit of real tooting: 1of showing us that Kansas can just arrived prophets 1"A favorite pastime of some American thing that can run. LeapingLarry that proof disappointmient iu time to save us the keen is to point at otber countries as examples As retheir in Implied tbinkir.g. foliows the non-appearance of Santa Claus.taxiecônomic gressive the Iv tn t Amnerica in 2êtended past Inroinrlv, he had 1u.en marks is a denunciationi of the Yes, world. lealis. to prevent " Out of StE Lsthe>' are tola>', yAinerican wl lew venture upon. g. It i et n yet, wouldn' truth to phi world is out Ii at jnl-t 1r TeJuYn), are alrea J(ohn natulra.lly sticks ea bit .rest ilearer the of thle ý'The ctive metbiod of step Unitedl States?"'" PffANýOM R8PORTU.