,er 1 A an It saved me money last year, and 1'1l Ship "Northern L;ght." On -mtat let it save me money this yéar. le~s Girl Scout mariners had the evening sufgeÔiI-general and aftet, consul-e the thrilling talking . movie "The checaper to bùy good oil than a new: motor. Why, dont you, too stop ini at StatesCos V. atioii witb Scout officiaIs. tory -of the United year,. this fheld ýbe will vie lissServi«eStiom The jamboree one of the dealers isted aiid asic about Guard" sbown at their meeting place. the. last part of Jule, and the .firsti in the Fitst Presbyte.rianfl church of VALVOLINE., 1part of July. Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wanil Evanston. ffro Garage theý during se.ason *will open its.eighth In4iaa ]in Servie. Skipper H'ugginýs and -a gr9Up of saine period'and Scouts attending the evening hat t 1nt wereprese Scouts. his !jamnboree wilil be back from WashingyuBMsServie. Joe voted the -picture and, ensu- Alo-If you want to lower. your heatton in time to participate in the.sec- and ail ing cot this, winter, try RAYDIANT, They rate. first, ond Period- activities at the north ing *entertaifment The. mi w.U Servie« this.-opportUnity .of fuel oi. It ,will gave you.Money! shiore Scout camp, on Spring lake iin wish *to take Deusen thanking, Mrs. Mary L. Varx wisponsîin. Our Oil Burner Service moen are experts and her-group of. Girl Scout marinters on ail kinds of Burners, and wVIll be glad for the very enjoyable evening.1 EXECUTiVE BOARD Auto plâr. A. C. Yp. to diseus your heating problemn. with .The executive board of the- North TESTS ... . Neptaie's Auto srvee Dave Allison,, Tom Colvin, Pete YOU Shore Area counicil, wvill meet in the Quinlan, T-hursLouis. next Green, ArtFontaine, heaLdquarters *area Scout C,a An, ie Aity :. George Randaîl, Dick Wilson, and day. evening, January 14, at Let VALVOUINU Deuustrt the Olfereuce la 01k Bob Wittbold recently passed the reoclock. Thiis meeting is of great importance quired test in sea history for advancement to' the ranlc of ôrd'inry *to north shôre Scouting as several, very important items are up for con- Sea Scout. This history includes the sideration. Henry Fowler, president periôd from earliest times to the time of thie council, urges every member to of Columbus. In addition to the test lie present. in history Pete Fontaine and Dick Wiinn.tke 566 Lindn Avenu, Winmie& Wilson also passed the required test 911 SHOWS NET GAIN ini bell time. In. this test the boys 0 0. The' North Shore Area councîl, 'as have to explain the method of reckthe year 1936 ended, sbowed a sub- Soning time aboard ship. stantial net gain in membership in all 1REGISTRtATION.... of its phases. In Cubbing the cou ncil First of the yeajr-registration1 is al- Ithe of theÏ United States on the advice 0 ar ose PEASTER QIL, CO. Yes. of ýa ) of rded pical pine, ime- just that As taxi- Last year showed a gain over the Sotrs(e)enprvos eri *gaged in Scout leadership. As the old year came to an end, 535 men were registered as leaders in Scouting and Cubbing on the North Shore. This wvas 15 more than the year 1935. As we summarize these figures we find that there was a grand total of 3,12 each vear respeci~Lvev. vWC ings dUring their staysfor the hôlidays. It is extremely desirable for ailSous and boys who wisb to become Scouts, to get in touch with the Sea Scout ship at this time. Any boys wishing information relative to membership in this organization may obtain it from W . C. Huggins at Wilmette 3558. the 2,871 of a year ago. The increase IlZ 0.3%.. mmbrsipwa in p was 1.1,. iii .o boymembe+s men and boys or 256 more than_________ w. Y. O. NVil1 Present i for *a cro returned 1 charge will