of Dutcli Cuiana Mr. and Mrs.. HaMr Sherwin of 1029. Greenwood avenue announce the engagement and approacbing marriage of their daughter, A n n e, to Joachim CzerWonky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richaïd Czerwonky of 834 Monvvin atten ded Radcliffe coliege in Boston. for one year.,and was n the . University graduated from of -Illinois. She isýa rmemnber. of Alpha Phi. sorority.. Mr. Czerwonky.attended the Universityý of Munich, ,is a graduate. of Northwesternuniversity, and, a restreet, Evanston., Miss Sher- Mr. and - Mrs. Sherman R. Parnett, 333 Hazel avenue, GienCQC, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Chand1er, 563 Green, Bay road, Cylen coe, and Mr. and Mrs. FredT~eIle tt of Park Ridge are leaving Fehruary 10, on, a vagabond, cruige which N%îii take. them to various Carihbean ports and Up tropical rivers into the interior o>f l)utch Gujana. Thé vessel, a- modern passengercarrying feigbter, salis from Ne%% Orleans, February 13, and from Tampa, Fia., February 18., Sone members of the Party wiIl board tiie boat at New Orleans and« the remaÈinder at Tampa. '.%r. Barnett ýand Mr. Chandler have tentativeIy bo,-eti al of the twelve pasenger reser-. vations on the boat, and it is expected that the remaining accommodatiolns wilI be taken up within the Inext mnember of Lambdat Chi Alpha. fraternity. The wedding will take place at the Sherwin home at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, january 23, a reception following.. Miss 1tettv Ionson of Wilmette wilI be the bride's maid of honor andi only attendant, .and Robert Czerwonky will serve bis brother week. For her m<rrriaqe o»nM Miss Palyma Lee Bnr>ee,: dai 8175 Linden avenue, tuas attem (le!:) and Miss Jean. Bur>ee eanneu'satn and irried cri as best man. The first of the parties at which the bride is being feted durin1g the er 28, to Donald EB. Hall of Wilnette, of Mr. and Airs. Clarence B. Burj'ee of ,y hr tupo ,isters, Miss Eleanor Burpee tO. The bridé uwore a uedding dre.s of ses, liies of the valley, and smiall whsite'pee wore a gout of brownt satin îwith a waNs in Qold satin. Their bouqunets were The party .will returu to eworlea'ns about March 28, procccding immediately to Chicago. were co-hostesses ai a recipe shower at tbe borne of Miss Grahamn, 79 Abbotsford road, WinnetIca, and Satur- len Grah¶am and Miss Ruth- Seymour Holcis Business Meeting Birthday Candies a+Party The 1enilworth Garden club Will There were sixty-six friends at Weclnesday meeting business a hold Mrs. day afternoon 'of next week Miss party wbich the surprise Caroine Preston wiII bave a giove and afternoon, January 13, at the home Beatrice Harding Arcus gave for ber stocking shower at ber home, 1031. of Mrs. Thonpson M. Wakeley, 220 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. The* father, Charles A. H-arding, on bis Greenwood avenue. 1 isseT.h,,nn. the mmainf honnr. revulaiv meetinc of the hnrticultural sixty-sixth birthday anniversary Sunday in their borne at 726 Washingfon avenue, and 66 candies burned on the ~s anoucedby the North E~ndt circle of the Congregationai church of Wilmette. These Monday morning events wilI open January 18, at 10:3 o'clock in thé parlors of the Congregational church. The course wvil1 be conducted by Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr. of,: Kenilworth,,who thus far has indicated the following books for review: "Lena Geyer" by Marcia Davenport; "This England" by Mari, Ellen Chase; Open Home fo FriencIs Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hanna and. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Horn of 1240 Locus t toad beld open bouse on New Year's. day from 4 until 7 o'clock for about sixty of their fiends. Win aethe' xi, unw.