With World-Wide Observance * At the regular mee<ting fif the Wilipctte rhal)t(-r, numl>er 753,, (.>derofth<e Eastern Star hein J anuary 4,ý our ratron, Ms Albert G,. Ackcrmann, exprscd n in avingS .her al)lreciati nany officers prçsent and her ricgret that M rs. Roy, Mc llrath, ýssoiatc-matron, .Roy Mclirati,, associate latrrn, Mrs. 1 lariry li. Smnoot,- conductress, -alnn MIrs.. <rin M. Thatchier, ,Aénit, wetiunahhl: to lie pre-&it, on NI r%. ;a%%si )t -Chicago, f r vill rarri, *jast J). jis ;Lr sérvf:<J as ~. a% nr (1111) wonen alloerthe %vorId arc joining in-celebratin.g the se-veiity-ininthibirthday iof -Mrs. 1Iannah G. Slro.pioneer cliii> woman, civic lead-, er, and foun.dér.of1The, National Couniicil of Je.wish Women. on Moulay, Janua ry 1I,.,Founder's <lay wvill be celcbrated. s'iiiultaîieously ith t.he, fort-fourth anniîvcr.sary of the National organizatiOn Which,-according to, Mfrs.'Arthur Brin,: of M.\inneapo-" 1lis. l)rcsi(I-ent, has a. m embershij> of more thami 4.000 m'wW10en in tue LUnited States and Canada. 'l'le climîax of the-gala celebrations. %viII le an international radio hroadcast,. ini which 17 women froin 7 cowitriesii Europe, the United States and juior a t roti, a S oC latf: ;àatrom.i; boroilly I.. KuClZOW as coni-ý Augutst J. Kii fli< rf-s~, atiwl M 'I',Adjah. ( harlis F. Kr,-it:î'r, r-' iiitly ;liioîuitftdl y liv - grand lma;trtpl I ',a granid ervetaie of Norîhl)aDIcta, wasw cut<l;rand ,r<l d * w er iîde< 1 il:aed tri have .lier * a agISI Mrs. Jfoselpis ove-, îtruitor, was als( s>r<d as we-r( hV* svral î êtiiatroii, and, patrons. pu, our Mrs., Au-kocrnaiîs avc * â>trim.Arthur, G. Jhon.to r ,. 'Mr.. Wiiiard 1'. Grtin, ai the lels, of Kent'iworth, newIv appointed p)re.çident of I)strictiIl of Kappa Alpha Theta, wiII speak ai the lusicheoui umrnenîor t h te .ixiîy-.çevenîh birohdayof the iroriy Saturday, Japluary 23. Mrs. Flrank Sutile, of Wilmnetie, ai the right, j: co-c/usirjnan of arrange,ftrfor the rvent which wiIi take place i the WedqwPood rooniof Iftrshail (uI' if 12:31) oclock. - 1Kenilworth League of Women Vôfers to Meef 'l'lie Kenilworth league*of \Voiren Mrs. H. A. Morrison Heads Lutheran Society 1ù.renth' cle.'te.I officers of ti Canada, will take part. The subject of the broadcast will be,, Women's Place ini World Progress Today." It will be heard over a coast-to-coast hook-up over the Blue Network of the National Broadcasting company. (WENRZ Chicago outiet) from 3:30 to 4:30 o.'clock,. Central Standard 'Iime. The clbrtos sonsorégi hv the * Letters of thatiks werc read froiti SOutle of our ineedy itienilers wh.o r crived CJhristnmas baskets. Mr-. anîd Mrs,. Edward J. Iliffnaît surcly did t hcir work well as rnciilîers of h lle werc gi vili relie f cormmitter. aà Vote of tliaiks. Ms-s. Aaron T. lyft!r read apîpropriate re.solutionet iin tribiut.evb MsJ. li.gb)ert Compton, a (4easÇ iei bier., W<x><l, wlîî k cecutive director of thc bîusines.s meeting. Final reports I lie Metrqîolitail i lousiîig coutîcil. covering the past year will. be real I 1er suliject, "Ilousing ini Chicago," 1)41 the officers and cornmittee chair-15 alive *witlî nterest for there arc ilîrecelinige lîonsing lirojet'ts undcr Ms-s. H1-.A. Morrison is the new way. president of the society, succeeding. Re.servatiotis fo>r uiclieriniay lie MIrs. E. R. Matthews. Other new 0 1- ilespeakier wiIlic b Miss Elîlie ti (Mne o'clock hItnclion Nvill precede mîade withî Mrs., lFred Xorlinii iof 222 eesr roail, Keiîilworth: ficers arc: Mrs. J. W. Eberlein, viceprcsident; Mrs. E. F. Fromm, secretary; Mss. M. H. Seifert, assistant s..-rgtarv: MrsV. H. Suhr. -1vlýtýuî ), ue cun..u prorarmn. The 1,500 nOmbers of the Chicago sec-' tion of the National Council of Jewlsh *Women will gather.to pay tribute to Mrs. Solomnon at a luneheon at the Standard club at 1, precedlng the broadcast. Ms-s. Harry J. Nlyerson, local president, will be toastmnistress. Prominent Chicago clubwNomfen will describe Ms-s. Solomon's mnany contrjbtitions to the civic and phiIanthropic life of Chicago and the. couintry as ;i whole. Preceding the luneheon, at 12:30 a receptiqn wiIl be held: in honor of Mrs. Brin and Ms-s. Solomon. *Al new mnenhbers enTnh1,d i n the. hi everyway to stnclba SUCCCS. jn ,iPal speakers from this co)untry (Continued -on page .33)