Brît angwll,*if'of hé B*t-ant mswd. si-weeks' vacation. a, heads lsh novlist and, drarnatisti grop f hre womefl Who willl talk fr0 London. Mrs. Zangwillis1 weIl-kfowflin, this counltry as. an uthor and, lecturer sanucdb Adsetbig the country and on-.her lait visit.toured A dsetbidei.anucd Interunder the auspices of the Womten's CDlta..Theta Mothers'ý and Serve. 'Dinner Honors Visitors natonal.Leaue for Peace and Frêedofl. th Ph Jr.,, of 330 Lawson, H. Johni -Mrs. Thursdayp for club XVves' beW\Uutni wil London fro.m speakers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacon, 107 Other Miss Harriet Cohen, éminent British: Mr---. and' Kenilwortb, road. street, bave ais holidayýt Sterling. .Seventeenth the at o'clock, panist who w!" beie.heard on her seventh Januùar.y 1il4,at *1 :30 on the'North-1 W. J. O'Brien of 1144 ÈChestnutae home, L. P. Bacon of their in visitors Theta'bouse D)elta Phi 93.adteHnr ori ,Anrcf Lawson's St. Louis and> Wilbur Bloy -of, MariMrs.; and, tte. Wilme nue. ex-presiable mro. Ernest L. FrankirI,ý .Hri r.L itr n bring mte campus. M embers mnay .Hrbisono nette, Wis., in whose bonor the Badent. of' the National Council of -Womein western Bab- son eand .MisDo rtbLy M. .Oliver Mrs. s. friend their theInterto of Engiand, and a delegate cons gave. a dinner party in their cock of 1102 Jud son avenue,. Evans-. Evanston, plan t leave on Tuesday. home for thirty on New Year's eve. omn.i natonl Cuni0f Also,ý Miss Marie Gineberg, Polishi ton is in charge of res ervations. j for. New York where tbhev will rememnber of the secretariat of the League for a week or tei.days. Mr. 1'main ilof Nations, who will talk from the ru -adMs awson entertaineda rd r.LW1n n of Nations; Madam brary of the League head 0f the Jewish: ertrude Van T.yn, cocktails for vIce-presîdent of about. forty friends committee for German refugees In Hol- i Godman. of New,,Yýork, P. .Q0. Program of the executive commit- last Saturday. land. Miss Winnifred Kydd, dean of: and chairman Kgton, jtee ofthe -pntiona~l.organizatlon, who women, Queens university, Chapter CR of P.E.O. will nmeet at from the Rose liowi of the Canada, will retresent Canadian women. Jwill also speak City'a at Francisco, San in hotel Palace presiÇanadian home of Mrs. J. Charles Sutherland, the former was Kydd Miss dent of the National Couneil of Wonien, wide celebration. Thayer street, FEvanston, Friday, 3125 The National Council of Jewish Midnignt Supper and the governmeflt's delegate to the 8. Luncheon at 1 will be foljanuary Inithe on organized was which Women, péace conference in Geneva. Lindsey, W. Harry Mrs. and a business meeting. Mrs. Herby Mr. Iowed of a group Mrs. 'M. C. Sloss, honorary vice-presi- tiative of Mrs. Solomon and the Kenilavenue, Abingdon 120 of Jr., World'sj of is the assisting hostess. close the 'at Mueller F. frlends man her Jewish of Counili dent of the National wny but workwotetraed In 1893, carrnes on, legiswny She will also review "Outstanding actlvi- Fair In Chicagoimmigration, but Womien, and pirominent In welfare oteerand social ties on the Pacifie coast, will share the ini the fields of and guests on New Year's eve at a mid- Plays in 1936," for the program. hotiors of the special celebration held In lation, religion, Jewlsh education, supper party. oilwefr..nigbit Elan Francisco with Mrs. Maurice L o.tsanîg erntheleadprerad ounswee. m spekîg domeSock. xauam of DU& the NatI premier ofJ1S1811.morning, raerniy, lu Have Desserft idgie 15 speaker 16. 1Thevhose january career L. Blair, Mrs. Lorraine as been that of an investment consuitfor women. iuncheon will follow ierpor University mvr. and mrs. on York depart for ýNew plan to otIlluinois. Liii Tuesday, to spend a few days there prior to sailing for Berinuda for..a CocIctalls el- SOUTHERN WEAR .... Do'w ph and( D. untarnished by a single yokel line. W.Me've soýmething to. tell NOL, here. NVou alreadv know and y'ou'll smI'le when vo hear us tell it, that... . e asks for exquisite, ... . . beaiiutN, he asks for faultless .orm and for'the singular graces possessed of ail Eve's daughters when the.y r oi, are beautifully dressei. rs:. hio.' nce ;i.ty. Irly s a' rear,. ima. iard the IN TH 9 DRA K AND IN HER MISSES SHOP ACROSS THE AVENUE'