IDegiartmnent of Commerce - .13O $Dm £IàA v&. VANSTON CENTUAL ois »Avis a1833 . IcASo. 1l50 LABALLE avU OIL BURNER SERV 1IE cd SALES Distributors o f Hart and Timken Sient Automaàtic Equipment p., I DAY AND NIGIFHT* SERVICE-ALL MAKE 1> ~ fi. OIL BURNERS - AIR CONDITIONINC 1141 Gt..nh.f Ave., WiI,.t Pho*e 221 Wilnîtte Serving the North Shore lt 25 Yeas under the lower interest rate and Morris Webster. By He.rbert U. Nelson Builder, J. D1.' (Sccretary,.Natiopiai Association of slower amortization,. a $3,500 bouse Shane. Sevilie. Plumnber, _Frank comfortably possible for' families Electric work, A. Hutz.. $8,500. oars>is Rea &tte Jan. 1-Nathan Shefrier, 1134 ElmA cdaim. is being made ini sornel whose incomne annually is- about wood avenue, residence alterations. quarters that lowering rates '$1.200.' $1,000. Carwymng Chaàrge Vital make very, little difference nii The carrying charge you have to the cost of borne ownership. *'Actual jan. 4-H. J. Kurizer,- 1319 Gregory ly the reduction lu total cost by low- pay out eacb year, flot the total debt avenue, garage alterations,, $500. ering the interest rate as .much as you assume, determines wbether youi Jan. 4-Alice Keilback, 602 Wash1per cent or 2 per cent* is quite 'cari unde rtake to pa y for a home and ington, avenue, privategarage, $450. what pr iced -home. you can afford tà' jan. 4-Jatpes Crabb, 1140, Efinnominal," it is being said.j Taxes, as welI .as interest wood avenue, single, family residence. Meantime cornes the' Departmleitby require- Arcbitect,.L. M., Yost. Plumber X'iland amortizato charges of Commerce with sonie peulcil wýork carrving total this lian BI. Lucke. $12,000. rip make mýents various find-how. to doinq been t bas Jan.- 5-Williamn B. Lucke, 514 Last levels of interest 'rates and. amortiza- charge., If we could arrive at a home Railroad avenue, 3-car private garage, tion rates would affect the number mortgage interest rate of sometbing amiies. wo culdaf-like 3-4'/2 per. cent, as in England, of Aerian ford ýto -own a home* aU todav's in- Germa ny. and Sweden, and if. like 1thern. %we spread repayments over comfe levels. enough years' to cut. amortization Issue Last Permitof '36 St~tliu~Conlusondown to about l1M-2 per cent a year, for Home on Sunset Lane and on top of that if we should limit This is the -startling conclusion The last b~uilding perhmit issxed in More than .5million families Nvhose the real estate tax rate to 1 per cent. Glencoe in 1936 was taken ont oi income is insufficient for home own- 'we should cut the home owner's total December 29 by P. H. Elcan. Lt iý ership now at a 6¼'per cent interest animnal carrving, charge to half what for a new two-story frame residence, rate with a twenty-y,ear payment atnow s Our present tax rates on home at 402 Sunset lane. The cost of ihe plan could afford tb own their homes according to the perif the interest rate was reduced to, vary ail the wav from 1 per cent on improvement, 111 be $1.1,500. R. P. Travelw mit, 4¼-2 per cent, and if the amortization the- total value -per annum up to as street, ChiAdamis \Vest 208 letti, period %vas extended to thiirt%- years. 1,igh as 4 per cent in some states. and Cce & Ece architect is the cago, The calculation Nvas made on the Tbey average twice as high as they Construction company, 721 Sothbasts of a home costing $3.500 and are in other principal countries of west avenue, Chicago, arc genieral Commerce Decould afford the world. If' the assumning that a family nartment should add to the tables it contraçtors. ; 4cil. .-+" f, Pro- it possible for 13 million familles to Dec. ,,f-L>ofld GJ. Iakes, 22~11 acquire homes. vides Valuable Statisties Putting it another way, the Com- Thornwood avenue, single family, merce Departmeiit calculation is that brick veneer residence. Architect, Iwould area. Evatn andauiNorth Shore. 5 or 10 y0-. tem. S.luuualimmt tpaymat. 110ov have at varlous' inconie levels. tables, showing the full efect of deThis is wvhat thev found: creasing an:iiuàl charges on bousing, Cite Statistics %wouldhelp us to keep in mind some That at 6 2 per cent interest, and a funldamentals upon wbich to discuiss 20-vear amiortization. approx.imately a national housing programi. 8 million faillies could acquire home s. Kenilworth Builders End That, if yôu change the interest rate 1Year of Great Activity to 4"2~ per cent. lkeeping ainortization A busy year of building activity ili at the saine rate vou 'w-ou Id step up c1o-sed with the. issuance Kenilworili 10,1 the numiiber of famiilles to over t w-as The sainere-slt would takc' of a permit on December 29. millco The first building permit issued in Winn.etka in the new year vvas taken t is out I)y F. S. White Janiuary 4. for a two-story 1 addition to his residence at 472 Eider lane. The cost (If the improvement is $16,000. Yost is building at 61-5 M\elrose avenue. The improvemnent is a one and one-haîf story framne house, with attached one-car. garage. The e.,timiated cost is $5,500. Mr. Yost is the architect. IURVIN JACOSS & COMPANYI Ou t.hhumbr a: e7100, N phne charge f. y-ou fEtipd. MIVI14 JACOB.% Sole Own.r les Son& La 38.16St \1rs. DeWitt. S. Stillman was ofre~ Dainie, but will depar bostess to the members of bier bridge 1.Forida onl Sujnday with li 1erg club for luncheon atid bridge on Tues- fathler, F. A. Qelerieli, to spex' day in her home at 707 Kent' road, 1remiainder of the ~itra Kenilworth. '1 Lauderda.le. .N