2211 rnily, tect, D., ille. t Stolp Gyra George1 Moîiday, 7-10 p.m.,, Girls' ba.$ketballI. are the semni-fiuials reached fensive players were. in Phil uy wt Tues«1a y, 7-10 p.m., Shuffleboar'd. Straif, Schlmitz,' John Kauffmannt, W-%edný.qday, 'î-10 p.mj., ,0'" Basketball treasurer is and Gérard Neuses who Trhttr.da%', 7-10 m. D Bakbl. of the club. These boys will, prove thev are top) notch players when -they i have their first battlirig match witl1 HAVE HOUSE. GUEST the Bltwood Team of Evanston1, to:night (Thursdayv) January 7 at the Mýr. and Mrs.,,Robert J. LascelleS'.ofý Commüntity Center. 1639 Walnut. avenue had as lieir Afiee narshmnallow roast wa§ heId bouse guest for the two weeks of for the "Elte,-of Ping Pon«"ý club. at the: holiday season Mr.; Lascelles' their mneet ing on December .22. MNuch mother,' Mrs. Clara Lascelles, who fun was, had -by ail. This even at- returned to 'her home in Beloit on tracted six new menihers to the, club. Satu.rday. Miss Mary Anne Lascelles eitertained'a group oi her friends at îTwt-ity a.tended. a taffy-pul on Saturdav evening in Poe W.. P&Mle Blecaus.îe of the center being. clostii lier home. Saturday, Decenber 26 nd January 2thc Pee Wee Paddlers bad to postpolie their eliintatic.n tournament until Saturdajy, Jantuary,, 10. A ticket to thue Wilniette theatre, is being %aarde<I-to the winner .and the runiner up., have Nfanv hreathtakiný, ,matches beeu plaved in the ctildrèni's pvfÉaid tournament durin'ý the holidlays. Ralpli Whitv refuses to be knocked -fronm the îtop berth. He bias played elvven bard atches but so far nio one bas been able to beat him. His very catCby serve nets hini many points. Norman Hoffmann who has held the second jberth of the pyramid qince the begin tiing of the tournament bas beenl able corners. MNuch chaito 1beat ail new legngibas heen going on arnong the - Mr. and Mrs. John W. Darley of 618 Brier. street, Kenilwortb, entertained flfty friends for cocktails, in their home on New Year's eve before the dance at the Kenilworth club., Dr. and Mrs. D.,,C. Kemp. 1030 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, are planing io leave. for New York on T!uesday, and to sait aboard the S. S. Rex for 'aMediterranean cruise 0o January M. They willvisit Cannes, enice and. other. Adriatic Naples, 112CnrtAve ULAG NC. MeGURE &ORR, (EACH AN ACRE OR MORE) i OFFER AT ATTRACTIVE, PRICES TEN LARGE HOMESITES cuipien the tentn. berth knockec john Kaufiniannu off his perch ïn a bot match the garnes s.cores heing 19-21, 21-l'), 22-2), tbus taking the foirth hberth. IThe conptition is the verv keenest1 tc )beshoýwn inian", tournament that lias been stAged for the chldren since the center opened.. Robert Kauffmatin, a meniher of thue "Pee Wee Paddlers" ivill take the HACKBERRY LANE WINNETKA. I. irove 1 est of Hibbard Road I I Protected Ada flea Leal Will-Adler, > flettý, Huck 'Ruth Pape llettv' Margh flernarde .. ... L . .'. LE How. M.F Hon. ........ Thle winter programn etePlaygrolind 'and OREENLEAF 1080 E 228 the WiiRecreation