Wori t Munich, our first Gerniain t<)wn, Is a very popular place for Arnericans because of its variety of offerings.' Your of the cîty. There, a Personcage tiretiffpression of Munch was to.wonder about' up and say anything he wilantsi inicaI if they were going tc> have a parade b-agytingor aybO3'.It cause of ail the unifrrned soidiers on aor eiss nlhthtthis ofte theiFng a ti xssadthe streets, but after bêing2there a day ih isf could hardly be' hc at thn spenithe cbenefit One of the nMost profitably a session in Olymiples.,uo ionsna 'en of tourist.s e attending xeua reu aaii tthehe niLndnwas Hye Prk yde gak h resec hefecsg ehcetr et tanous hlSus ToWr .- idîiimàl 8011Pe14boU 01 UOa,0 tcatesprcé o1idCtr5ett.Lt.HtO. theblfsorokngti river S 1 .rff sO1.0f1hêU1 in ruins but Sttes. begins. They are gnostlY n f, iz-Ar DStatOs. you as, boaisty their te adds thisjust fHllgPol eShont-r see them outIiied, aginet the sy e TrobeGn a! rock, 0mado Out You aiso passe'the lorit Thlihe-e famous by song and legend.,Yu ae KlpatrickEdUcatofl for a CagU the. wino country at beginning te enter se etft1eCivilizatiôn. Uicshores his point and Ru.sell-EducttiOflfor tfie. Modemt Birigiam, ngpocsio andOthe _________________ possible in any other European coun- try. Another evef iflg was spent inL madame Tussaud's Waxwrk, Muse-* um where we saw everyofle frot-Ti I galle Selasse to. the Slceping- Beauty I orDELI GHT in______________________________________ ord SA DSU' HTIN ANTflSUNt71anTdRil WATE i siatoii Reh-AtnofmY for thie I*ynU WchâingPresden 1cp Que-extokofdU.igo go -TnbOse.rnlfgOcP Robevèt.ýClapperton-PraSCticSl Paper-making. Maneron Erroe xmtes HanrEOs fl-erông oDra.m ina±st. . wy jncludiPsent oseeit. visited be should tnkretBritain last. In ieaving . ou cann e t ately appreciate ail that àt bas preou because sented andofee own With -our its close assocation afuller appreciacounftry. However tion cornes when yon have scen. Europe as a whole and are Iooking back inretrospect. ' wre iniRî8îorsdhi The next mrnong France and in an entirely different aimôsphere after a night trip across the Channel. Immediately yotu can leel the difference frorn Great Britain tter of fact it aismhard to ads randizs waere realuenth nulyou ar i dont get to a placewher cty 4 spakyurIa gean cfen-Th' ee. Rbrs-oflktos Adams.ie -M.MOlalhI.u Nash-Bad Paret' Mefe8-I Gardon et vers.. La Pmbs. ab SLanb~eVr-lys.Y8 ny ~saia uu~~i rCilD of--ceoadbsIlun. G. Smith, 1325 Dr nd Mrs. C. OMTaA DrETN TiW IaeneWîmUavrturned homie after spending the holidays with their son, Dale Smit, of ~Amiarilo. Texas, anid their daughters, Mrs. R. A. Montagne and Mrs. Ralph rà-4 Kerholt, of Houston,. * Umne we had aiready begun. lu nave varieus opinions of France. Foi, one tbing an immédiate li.xressioIi is that the people are not as near as practical a they are artistie. .Our time in Paris was spent i trying te absorb 'some ef the atmosphiere of the Place and aise In viewing the wofldrs of French design and architecture. W. were able tW get a lot of the formie? bY a ride In the subway where garlie Chewng le the favorite pastimie, and et the latter theo Palace at Versailles .1 Was the rmost uroinent.. ,Mexico and rzn.inyw'~~~ th, winter in San Diego and in the up the coast te Seattle. niotor spring -l actual stronghol< capital of, GerMaRiY ie. Our days in tl Iln i Oiff theêOlytumesi wero spent pies and of col levnitv of 1 O games w. saw wero again imnpre t he vn 'I weIt ol tg) h51 Alps. It the way. th v poildes th aot's