estiflg organizatioti. This raises the question as to whether we are genuinely and intelligently .interested in mnusic per se,. or rnust 'a social or Other element le strongly featured to enplist Our response to the point. of supporting a project by money and attendance. WVhat to do?, Two hunidred- more subscribers (at a- nominal pi'ice) would insure the financial, success of this*project whicb, means so much to our high school. young -people -(as attested. by their enthusiastic attendance at the afternoon program) . and, which mature patrons of'-iusical inite rest, 50 thoroughly enjoy inl the ev.ening following. SmaII Group Better.? cail is sounded aga in, accomp anied for. a time, monotonously. by violas and celIlos in a little diatonic pattern, finally, taken up, and carried on hy the violins until alt the strings, are buzzing like a horde of. locusts. OriginalI Treatmiemt the faithful executi of our profession.. otion to. the chies ShaI ivç .attempt a mis sioniarv or advertising campaign for the good Oi the 'cause, or shall we hbe content to be of the comparativelv smial yrOUP who, perhaps, enjov the mxusic more becausë tiiere is 'nôt a croSv4? Certainily it was, a pleasure on -Mon~ dav evening to find oneseif in aan audlience that kniew whien and what to applaud-proof of its Intelligent apprec iation. But to try to keep these concerts exclusive would be ýselfish if flot fatal, front the financial standpoint. So, for the benefit of aIl who are flot to date partakers of this opportuniity, let it here be sincerely. de- The outline of the. symphonic' form is. discernible Ji! the work throughout, though the so original .as. .to amaze.the istener. and make. difficult. a description in -nontechnical terms. Thée* ven rhythm used i.n ail its patterras. and the cona stant ov erlappifig of sections a curious* efcanionic imitation give% fect of a pageant of phantoms-a wraith-like processionP in gray., There are moments when they mar-ch, or dance, or, as at the end of the first movemnent, in rhythmic swing they approach a climax to Repeatedly the vanish abruptly. music seemns on the point of bursting forth into a downright fugue wvhich it always succeeds i evading. WVho will hazard a guess as to the place this Fifth Symphony may occupy ini music literature teni, twentyý, fifty years hence? First considera-ý tion bas been given to the Sibelius colla-, :.nui COLDS Cazel'a Cough Syrup.......50c 35c Bromo Quiniine 27c Vick'. Cough Drop, 1iO 35c Vick's Vapo-Rub,...... 29C Hart's Nasal Jel. . 45C Navitol Capsules, 7 log ........... 60c Rem ...... 49c Darol Tablets ---. 25c' of continuous prescription service assures you of the. trust Wilmette'has shown ini us. We merit your confidence. k 59C iii a wvorthy nianner, under a youîg, authoritative, and amibitions conductor. At the Chicago Symilphioiy concerts of last %veekwe were remninded that Theodore Thomas gave the great toile poem, "Ein Heldenleben,*" of *Richard Strauss its irst performance mn, this country. By those who were l)resent at the Ilinois Symiphionys*Sunday concert in Chicago, or Mondav's concert at New 'Trier it will long l)e remenibered that Izier Solo- ory of this- prece as interpreted oy Sir H'arilton Harty, when guest. conducting the Chicago Symphony orchestra, mnakes all comparisons un,.fair. Suffice it to 'say, Mr. Solomon gave a crisp, brighit, traditionally satisfactory reading of this littie classic. Unheralded and unsung came thiepianist, Wanda Paul, soloist of the everiing, whom, having heard, we should like at once to hear agai,. i AW.....dTOOTHPl litoth BABY NIEEDS 40c Castoria .... 29c 23c Cottoun Pieker -. Pyrex Botties ....21 c dull roil of the kettledrumi. The. hon1I bé' annouinced later. ~1ipnony oLcnira~. iJ AI