it boy, was he a mess!I rive seconds later Paul Kiviland proudiy claimed second place. It's lucky for hirn he didn't wear his dad's tie. It certainlv wvas one sad sigbt.' Five seconds more' elapsed before Ralph White, weary from the struggie took third place. He was so serious frôm the start We ail tbought ie. woxiid finish first. Luckv winner! They got another plie. We hope the other boys didli't mob tbemn before they reacbed homne. The contest closed with littie 'eightyear-old Roger Pettinger stili strug. gling away. The 'Commuflity Center at Wilmette and Ridge avenues bas bee n tbe scene of many activities this weelc, according to Daniel M. D~avis. director of recreation. S at u rda v nigbt a pie eating çontest' was held. Pie from head to waist wàs, the condition-of «,al -contestants. -Upon .the boys' arrivai at homne a sadder sight was neyer witniessed by the mothers,. motbers (soak your Hint owrid water oveir n iht. cold in son'sshirt then boil it in the morning. Ail signs 'of berry juice wilhave disappeared)., A Me!ss, But WàwthliIt The contestants, ail boys. were i, a circle 'around the room. Thleir bands .were tied bebind.their backs and thev. were* required to:kneei on thé floor. Let's look back, and see what haot)peted. The signal is given to start. Ralph White certainly is doing right by bspie. Wonder how that Strawberry got on top of bis bead? The boys iaùgbed and giggled so bard that they forgot îh1at it was a u'TimYe Con-~ test." Picture yourseif tryîng to see tbrough glasses that are dotted with blueberri 'es. That is what littie Terry Anderson bad to do. In one minute and twenty seconds Norman Hoff'mani hopped Up the winner. Boy, o éh have, been ,e» iojon the table teniturmes These six youil.q citti.zees of the village, are' ainong t hase Norma-iiti ofimai. ai the commnitt center. Lef t ta right:- Ralph Wlsite, 'Willard Schneider, John Katfinta'r>t, Geore Shni.~.Phil strc f. Lflie k'hoto __ IBASKBTBA LEAGUESLL7 The most interesting momuent of this game was when William ("Boots and Sâddles") Horsting finaily discovered he didn't have to employ his wrestling technique to exist on* the 1basketball court. 'Last Wednesday he threw the bail several' times and believe it or not it fellthrough the hoops no iess than nine times. There were others of the Confectioners who piayed weli but if we named thema it would' just be a repitition of the starting line up. lI the last game the Nelson Laundr'y trounced the Wiimett'e Walther league squtad 39 to 10. Fred Tleitman ardt were the flashes' of and YutchIl the contest, lleitman making six buc-kets and his teammate four. Mr. Harman of the underdogs was the * chief contributor to the scoring column for bis team. He made six points. Spectators' were glad to see "Iron' Man" Howard come through to make a basket.. ' The 'box scores are as foilows: FG FT TP- ____ _____ Ready to Observe "Good Posture" Week. "Good Posture" week mwill be o1) s er v ed in the Wilmiette Public schools starting Monday. Januarv M8 according to Daniel _M. Davis. di- and young people were ente'rtaitied last Thursday by Mr. Gosfield. a prominent north shore magician.A The Community Center children Magicien Entertains "A" LEAGUE Comning out from its annual two .weeks' hibernation, the young rnen's stumbled '4A" Basketbali league throughi three games last Wedniesday at the Howard gym. In the initial tilt the "~UnknoWvnsý' hiad a trifle more equilibriumi than the "Rovers,," enough at least t:o keep their feet sufficiently to win 27 t-o 21. The Rovers did very wellinii living up to their name. They roved ail right but it was' mostiy movernent tijat ended up in spectacuiar football blocking. At times it savored of foui play and referee "Angel Puss" jones had iio inclination to think otherwise. The resulting free throws put the "UnkniowNis" out in front after the haîf. The shining light of the gaine, however, was H. ("Handsome"> Em- Willnette Coif4ctonery 53 rector of recreation. "Good Posture" ,veek, held for îhcf flrst tinue last year. is conducted tc,' arouse interest for "Better Posture" for ail, to gîve definite instruction in good 'posture daily for one week andi to kee'p the iiea of .éorrect' pos.ture in the nrds of bciýrs and girls througho'ut the entire dav for five consecutive days and 'during all Pases .of the school program. Tags bearing the legend, Good iil be given out each dav Posture," -The frst tag will be bine and, if a child keeps bis bine tag aIl week he wiil be given a pink taz on Friday. An aclded 'feature this year is a short story contest open to seventh Burns Toggery and eighth grade pupils on the sub10.ý FG FT TP jet, "Good. Posture." The winning trv. toetbpr wutl, the wiunnr's ute this past been ,Pu. -o finishing Walther League .... 1 I y 4uu . . .. . werè