The subject of the 'contest essay ijs "The Functions of a Bank and Its Relation to the Community."' The le ,stis Pen to any senior student of an accredited high 'séhool in t he state and details may be secured fraom the high school principals. The essays are not to exceed 1,000. words. in, len.gth* and mnust be submnitted to the prinrcipal of the. school in. Wbich the contestant is enrolled by 3 p. m.. on. %ednesday. March'31. The, principal of each high scho.ol' or a comnittee namedý by. himn, will judge the manuscripts submùitted, to himi, picking out the onie which in his judgment is the best. This manuscript will be sent to'.the judging commnittee for final consideration. As ani, added hbiior. the winning.. sýtudentiit'i be the guest. of the Illi nois Bankers association at- its next conference in Cicago on '-,ay 24, 25 and' 26 and wilt1 1k afforded the opportunity to recite his winining es say fromi the platform to the delegates assernbled. Judges for the contest are: .Pro,_ fessors Frederic E,. Lee, William E. Britton. Ivan Wright, and C. R. Anderson, ail of the University of Iliipois facultv, and the foilowing from* the Illinois Bankers. association: Frank C. Rathje, president, Chicago, 1. F. Schmidt, vice-president, Water- SLUMDER BItAUCH IS The Mattress Store SHOP SHERMAN AVENUE'AT GRODVE SREET, EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 2820 PIANOS BALDWIN 3M3 Wabash Avenmue> Wallnger Photo, Military fueral services for Abell Davis, who passed, away, late Thuzws,evicinig of Iast wpeek ut hs holle, day 600 Sheridan' road, l oe, were held. oit Siday aftèriooèi ut the,-ifaiitry artyory, Chicago. GnrlDvswh-ahira o Gtl41IOi WQW& hJIaId and' Titie the board of the Chicago Trust company, had been in iii bealth for saine nionths. A .veteran. of the Spanish-Amierican and World wars, he held the rankl of major-general, retired,' ini the Illinois National Guard. Froni eariy ini the morning on Sunday, the remnains lay in state at the armory, where hundreds of friends and business associates paid tribute. After Telephone Wabaiih 6908 CHICAGO OPERA SALE. Pianos aufograph.d* and used by Lily Pons, Tito oi and &chipa, oRàôu Edith Mason during ithe Opera Season on sale this month ai *xceptional reductions. Body i State GolingforSkaingciapiain 33rd division, the bd tnilitary escort to Rosehili Golfi g fo Skaingwas'givenof athe Facilities for ice skatingr have been cemetery. Tribute to General Davis was paid provided at the Xestmoreland Cou,,try club for memibers and their fani- 1at the funeral services by Governor ilies. A large area of the parking Henry Horner. Palibearers were high space at the club has been flooded ranking active and retired officers of and made available to those Who dote the Illinois National Guard, including Carlos E. Black, state adjutant general. upon the great winter sport. "Let the youngsters corne out after Gh a 8yaso a 8yaso General Davis, h school and then, in the evéning, how Marjorie widow, his by survived s age, Sonny or about vou showinir Sis lot thils note down on your engagement calendar today! Street, in tene VUeaince ai Sunday o'clock. school nvenes ýat ilons. eral hn be present. bev-