Entertain New Welfare Qificers The regular meeting of the Minmette center of the Infant Welfare Society- of: Chicago is set for Monday, January, 18, at 2o'clock, at the>Woman's club. Mrs. Knight Blanchard, Mrs. Marvin Harms,, Mrs. J. M. Hale. Mrs. Harold, S. Condit, Mrs. F. D. Flinu, Mrà. C. L. Walliser, Mrs.,H. E. FPine, Mns. J. P. Hoesli, Mrs. Byron Nash, Mrs. W. H. Hildebrand. Mns. A. E. Hall,' Mrs. C. B. Burpee, and Mrs. Frank Allen. At this meeting new officers will be installed, those tîaking over the direction of the center being Mrs. Mrs. W. B. Marvin *Iarms, chairman, G.~ trs. Behnke, vce-c'haii'man secretariy:*Mrs. Bad ger, recording Condit and Mrs. Flinn, holding office as corresponding secretany and treasuner, respectively for another year:, Mrs. Behnke, publicity chairman. Mrs. Walliser, holding office as chairman o! station schedule; Mrs. J. W. Beuttas, cleical chairman; Mrs. Hoesli, continuing ber office as sewing chairman for another_ a s Circle Benefit Variety that will meet piany Strickland of 724 Cummings avenue, will Kenilworth, who, with t heir tbree differenit literarty .tastes bidren, jean, Anne, and Mary, arc characterize the listý of books moving. to Mason City, Iowa, on w hich Mrs. :Henry G. Zander, ebruary I.. Jr., of Kenjl.worth. will, discuss Cumnor 517 of Lee K.. Mrs. Arthur in a course of current events and a -at, hostess is Kenilworth,, road, bookel reviews wbich ffwill open luncheon today (Thursday) at the jan uary Indian TrailT ea roomn in- Winnetka, next- Monday morning, and on Friday afternoon.-Mn. Cecil 18, under the' auspices of the, W. Meredith is giving a tea for Mrs, North End circle of theý ConStrickland in her home at 616 Abbotts- greg.1ationa1 l chureh of Wilrýnette., ford road,,Kenitworth. Assisting Mrs. The roadpro-.wram planned .wll Meredith will be Mrm Bruce Parsons of Highland. Park, Mrs., Prestonti'H i- incluide novels, essavs. anid dayr of Winnetka, Mrs. John Clements works on hioLraphv. ;Ocolotrv of ICeilworth, -,and. Mrs.. Joseph atid international a-ffairs. lu -adPowers of Gtencoe. to' have a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren of dition it, ig ilanned 240 Kenilworth avenue, Kenitworth, mp'rt of each se-s'zon devoted tno are giviIlg a dinnher and bridge party iimortant current events. Koehne Photo The installation Of Mrs. Mat«lÀh I-Jarms of 1020 Miami road as chairmarn of the Wilmette center 0f thse Infant Welfare Society of ChiC0go talees place et thse regular meeting of the center Monday et thse Wornan's club et 2 in the affernoon. for fourteen guests in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Strickland on Sat.urday eve~ning, and on Sunctay evening Mr. and Mrs. John« A. Clenients and Mr. and Mrs Paul C. Clovis are entertaining a grot4p o! friends at a buffet supper to be given in the Clements home at MtI Sterling road, Kenilworth. tnembers of the, out-.goihig board;, Hostesses for the afternoon. are Mrs. 7ander bas announced a nlew book thvq week which is the choice of the Literarv euild for Tanuary and which has been awarded the $19.000 àll-nations prîze. This book is "The Street of the Fishing Cat," h)v Jotan Foldes. Other books selected for review thusfar are: "0f Lena Gever" by Marcia Davenport: "This Children's Home 'and Aid Society to Meet The board o! directors of tl nois C'hildren's Homie antd-A senior departmfent of tne ei~twLfl Unihon church Sunday school shared their own plans for Christmas with those for makine the day happier ihg meeting. Utner later. announced 0books W1UuDe Reviews Books for boys o! the Winter camp at Arden Shore. liii50- Lettens now are being received from ,-those campers by the Kenil- an8, at o'clock on alternate Monda-ys.in the panlors of the Congzregational church., Wilmette and Lake avenues. The course is open to the public and any information negarding the meetings, may be had from the following members: Mn.. Bruce P. Owens, Mrs. Chales' D. Ewer, Ms. Charles R. Bixby, and M~rs. Herbert B. Mul- Meetings wilt be held at 10:30 last luné itôom irdue Mrs. Jô 4 18, t >07107:. ng Ail urged bowlers, or to be bowlers, are be academy. t at these events. Free inion is availabte for those who