N. S. Inter est A wedding of interest here took place on Saturday, JanuSumn-ay2, Miiss,'Jeani when' ary mers,, daughter of formier State: RpresentieJ nW.SI mers anid Mrs. Summiiers of Wash., becm -land ýWalla* Walla, DnaldCameon the rideof Grace Violet the former his bride, and returned have -of Chicago, Brucker to trip wedding froîn a two weeks' Bahamas. the Miami, Fia., Nassau, and Mr. Whitliving with They are nowMrs. Grace P. Whittier, tier's mother, in bier new, home, at 353 Sterling road. Mr. and Mrs. Whittier were mirried December 23,>at'the Church of Comforter by the Rev. -Lethe Holy Danforth, and following the i relatives, a ne-Smith, Jr., sonof,,Mr. and Mrs. of',about twenty-five was held. at the..home of the Donald Camneron Smith of Clhi- ceptio,nparents, ,Mr.and Mrs. William cago.. «bride's Rogers Park..in Brucker cag..Anton a res%,eanch- chemist sI i Whittier Mr,. place which,.took wedding, the For and, plans, .Company, at 4:30 o'clock in,:the afternoon, in for the Pure ýOu very unmade for the wedding.were the chapel of the Yirst Methodist he discovered. was it when expectedly church of Evanston te bride, wore would have an o10portunity to make h n oteBhmsdrn white satin made with a long sleeved ti lacket fastened, with frogs, of, the hoîidays. ýtin. to vl"ch a ewurtý traini was attached. A Juliet cap of pearîs held ceremony, attended,,by a simal group, Prizes for winners of the fi tt tournament of the womefrs bowling league at. S ha'wne e country club were, awa rded at luncheon and. a spcial- bowling club Wedthe at acardeparty held nesday afternoon, according to an announicemùent by Mr s. Crelight'on W. Whiting, chairmtan of the womens bowling committee. Merchandise certificates- were given to the six memibers of the Sapphire tenwhich plàced 'first with, 219 games, and to several indiri.dual players.who made unusually high scores'. at ShaW.ee Club a long veil of tulle and she carried a bouquet of white violets. and gardenias. The matrcin of honor, the bnîde's sister, Mrs. James Witherell of Wilmette (Hope Summers), and the at Northwes~ten Enferfain in their home last Saturda Recently Mrs. Riach was h of Spigler bridesmaid, Miss Kathryn party in hor T1erre Haute, Ind., a former roommate dessert-bridge whe McDermott, C. T-Tnrvr univer-sity, were M. Riach, Mr. and Mrs. William entertained avenuec Jr., of 418 Central fourteen guests for dinner Mn. dand Mfs. Ltnryd Yot, '111~6 Greei.wood axvenu, anounce the engagement of their daughter, Jaee, to Grenf cil Older, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Older of 1026 Elniwood oavenue. The captain, of theSapphire team . is Mrs. Whiting, and-the other members are the Mesdames George Wolf, joe McNab FrankGrimUes, Arthur HamSm art. ~da~ mond,an High average of the league is held by Mrs. Hammond, with a total of 145 poin~ts. The first high net game was 221, the highest ever bowled by Revealed a woman at Shawnee, and was made by Mrs. Richard R. Lippincott. The standings of the second, third and fourth teams ini the league at the end of the first tournamnent were as follows: Topaz team, second, with * ofa soft jFrench DIue and Lir is were dubonnet tricornes. They carried clusters of rubrum Mies. The chapel was simply decorated with gold altar vases of liles, palms, and six fon candelabra holding cathedral candles. The bride's brother, Paul D. Summers of Philadelphia, izave her iunmarriage. Is Engaged Caifogama,stonWilfimrs. Caliorn, t Wllam r. Klngaman, onalio Lagdn uruosetem a w mnaen.bwigwt W. K.urqFiet nw nda e itlea . Batemored.ulis Mlis Rasuer so that it is hoped the nuniber lege and the Evanston Academy of group, increased stili futher. The be will was Klingaman Mr. Fine Ats, and Psi, and Green Key. Miss* Reasner from the Evanstoi club.. spent the holiday season with ber the 'Park Ridge Country to-hae ege, ny heny'take ntte mwinbersh its second, graduated in June from Dartmouith league will now commence planning also is. and tournament, of college where be was a membèr bowlers women with games match Casque and Gauntlet, Phi Kappa Country club, and tewis