Attend District Dinner Conference The junior auxiliary members from- sixteen ivomen 's clubs of the Trenth Congeressionial district will congregate on Wednesdav, January 20, at 6:30 o'clock, at the'North ýEnd Wbman's club. 6200 Sheridan road, Chicago.. for ,the second of tbree, dinners. and round tab)lieconferentces. Miss Gertrude. Jennings, ý2015 Luit avenue, presidenit of the juniors of the . Woman's Neighborhood CIul).,of Rogers- Park, and Miss Luella Schmitt. 6321 North Hermitage avenue, Chicago,, president of the North. Townl junior auxiliary,. in collaboration wViththe district Chairmian of juniors. Mrs. Arthur E. Cook, 1734 Thorndale avenue, Chicago~, bave planned this- H. i *~ The Evanston-North Shore Smith club will bold its January meeting at the home of Mrs. W. I. Howland, Jr,1 414 Church street, Evanston, at. 2:30 o'clock, Tuesdaýy, Janulary . 19. A change was made from, the -regular day of..meeting so that the club. might enjoy the privilege of having, as ïts speaker one of the môst pop-, ular. of ,the Smith' faculty, Prof. Everett. Kimbal of the department .of government, and director of the Smith college school for social wvork. Dr. Kimball's subject bas not heen announced, but. it wi11 be closely related to, his work at Smith.* Ail, vho have known. Prof essor Kimbal as teacher and, lecturer, a s eMI as those. who have,- kniown him offly by reputaýtion, wiII be eager,,to take. adVantage: of this hear him. Manly S. Muniford, both of Evanxston. Al members are urged to be present but are requested to caîl one of the hostesses, or -Mrs. Rob)ert C.. McNamara, 267 Ridge avenue. Winlnetka, for reservations. Assisting Mrs. Howland \viil be Mrs. Arthur 'M. Betts and Mrs. l-rs. Cour-t Toei of Wiliiette, .state, chairmaki of Kappa Alpha Theta, zwill sit at the speaker's table, when ph Saturday, January 23, the £0 rorit'v holds a F'oiiîder's day lrghIea,, in Field's~Wedg.wood rooin. J'!rs. Tocl zwillqgive' a short talk. at Days SIîown ta Luncheon The Kappa.Alpha Theta'chapter at Nl\orthwiýestern ;is preparing a skit, ."Fash-ions of Other. College.Days," to be Presented to the aluiniiae 'of the Chicago. area at the Founder's. day lunch.eon Saturda%,, January 23,. in the Wedgwood at- Marshall Field's at 12 :30 ô'clock-. wliichi is. to cele)rate the sixtvseventh ann.iversary of the sorority. The first costume shovn wil! 'be one, similar to those worn by the Theta. founders in 1870. One of theseé four women, Mrs. Bettie Locke Hamilton, wbo entered DePauw luý: 1867, as one of thle first women students in a Mans college, is the only founder living, and it was on her gown that a ivoman .first pinned ber tory, fashions will be, depicted up to the present time. Mrs. Hamilton's annual message will be brougbt to the alumnae by Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett of Winnetka, national president of the sorority, and gree.ting will be ýdispatched to. mieetig. Special guests will be Mrs. Edward j. ehman of Sidney, Ill., president of the Illinois Federation of Womeni's Clubs; Mrs. Henry Rhode of Lake Forest, Tenth District president, and Mrs. Archibald A. Mathis of Tamaroa, Ill., state junior chairman. After diiiner'Edward M. Peterson of the chief department on books for the blind of the Chicago Public 1- own Greek letter badge, Froin this "Alpha," in women's fraternal bis- Visifor in calf of Terre fornierly of Evwhich she is best talented. There will anston. Mrs. Haute, Metcalf was honored be vocal selections, piano solos, dra- at several parties during hier visit matic readings, and other entertain- here, most of the hostesses beiing ment. The clubs to be represented at this Evanston friends. On Tuesday Mrs. G.-'-W. Ross, Jr.,' meeting are Glenola Junior membership. %whose* president is Miss Helent of Evanston, gave a luncheon for club onl the the field m., gusti. VVLwIeKÂVmrs. LAC! UC t. met- a sleigh-ride for the evening of- Friday, january 22, or 29, depending over the surrounding the sleighs returning to the club, Shawnee Country club will be the heerefreshments wilI be served. scene of four dances between now' Mrs. Clarence Nichols and Miss Mrs. Metcalf, and that evening Mr. Betty Ellis of Evanston are co- and the end of January. Evening and Mrs. T. J, Wakefield entertained chairmien in charge of arrangements. parties and dinner dances are scheduled for guests of ail ages, including for her at a dinner party in their New mnembers taken into the"- seventh and eighth graders, and aclults, as well. upon weather conditions. Starting at the Del Rio club, the ride will be Four Dances Scheduled country-side,ý at Shawnee Country Club com, Gi. K. Ricbmondâ, and George Town Junior auxiliary and Juniors of Young. ard Lecînen Qi iwýanston, presi- the Woma n's Neighborhood club or, Reservations for the.meeting may and the two hostess clubs, North Rogers Park. be, made with Mrs. Schroeder. Lutheran church Thursday, January 21, at 2 o'clock at the home of thie President, Mrsý Frank M. Hayson, 227 Greenleaf avenue. Members wili seul'and refreshm ents will be served. A social meeting will be held by the Woman's sOciety of the English