Fort Dearborn D.A. R.,Luncheon Monday, k. January 18, Fort ~ip Daughtersý, Dearborn -chapter,' of the: American Revolution,. Wvil have as its guests at lunc.heon,. Mrs. Samuel J, Campbell, IliiFort. Dearborn chapter and national historical general, ; regents of the.Fourth .division. and state officers. The luncheon will, be at12,:45 ;a.t the Georgian hotel, anid is an affair which, .the local. cater has every ýother vear by wa7y, of reciprocity for simnilar allairs attended by> its eet AÀt 2 o'clock in the libraryof the hôttel, Mrs. Charles P. Reynods regent, wiIl welcome the guests and conduct a short business me eting, during which time will take place the ele tion of delegates and alternates *to the forty-sixth Continental congress at Washington and the forty-first Annual State conference to be held at Gaiesburg. In the absence of Mrs. Charles W. Moody, first vice-regent and program chairman, Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds, nois , State regent;. Mrs. Juliari G. Goodhue, honorary régent of j 'v t j. /1y The regent of the Iinobis soc féty of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. Saimuel James Camnpbell of Moiteit Carroll, zwill be a guest of honor and speaker at the luncheon. Fort Dearborit chapter ivill give a4tth Georgian hotel Monday, J'apiuary 18, at 12:45 o'cIock. The Infant Welf are society is to, be the beneficiary of the first ailday sewing meeting sponsored in thisThe North Shore and Northnew year by the philanthropy, deStctionS of the- Chicago wýest of Club partment of the Woman's, Minmette, Friday, January 15ý, at the Alùmnae chapter of Sigma Kapilbh ciubhouse,. from, 10. in1 the morning ostesses'at a benewilb pa wom1Ail fternoon. on. th rough mid-a on. Friday, dessert-bridge fit parti-, to invited are Wilniette of en January 22, at, the,.Georgian hocipate in this philanthropic work-., Mrs. John P. Hoesli is chairinan tel in Evanstoni. This is the secof work for the- day.. On her com- on nasrie fbnft ig miteaeMrs.: A. E. Beirnies, Mrs. ieý ivnbyt h respective George Redding, Mrs.. R. L. Hart-prisgvnb man, Mrs. Margie M. Penick. -Mrs. sections of the aluinnae group to JS.: Corliss,- Mrs. Harold, Condit. taise rnoney for. the. sororitv's, philanthropy andove, nd rs.XV~ Mrs NesonV. local scholarship loan' fund.liamBaîatcet.the a h Mfrs. Leonard E. Starkel is lunch- Tefrtwsgvnb h0k eon chairman..Tefrtwsgvnb Park section., the thlird vill 1)e gienbvthe-South Shore group.. 9 -- of Sigma Kannas -internationtal- At Cutholic Club ned with a New Year's message, and offering the quoted thought, to "bring the very highest in art, culture and good living to our own littie worid," as a suggestion applicable to members of the Womnan's Catholic Club of Wilmette. Mrs. George H. arts deRartment of the Woman's Catholic. Club of Wilmette Friday Com mencing the programn she plan- Beaudin greet d memibers of the fine afternoon of last, week., and~ fortv cottege clianters of the sororitv contribute annuallv to the maintenance of the Maine Seacoast mission at Bar Harbor. This is the Pa--encv which ministers to the hundreds of islands and small fishinz villages on the east coast. Sigma Kanva pays the salaries of a teacher. a director of religious education. and several part-time vocational advisers. alnd furnishes the many children on Christmas oifts. qwith the islands The seventy-five aluninae chante. Fort Dearborn chapter, who wilI talkrs on "The Draina of History"; Julian G. Goodhue, who will give a word of greeting; and Mrs. Eulalia Kober Stade, pianist, who will pre- esses are Mrs. Beverly W. Howe, sent a musical prograni. Mrs. Stade is Mrs. J. J. Mulligan. and Miss Alice a musician of note, and the organiza- ÇarY Williams. tion feels very fortunate in securing The program for the afternoon is her for this prograin. a one-act play written by a nienber The following is a list of the statç of thé society, Mrs, E. L. Imhoff. officers and fourth Division regents Her ivork, "AIl in a Day." won a and the North Shore will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry R. Kendal. 425 Grove street, Evanston, Friday, January 15, at 2 o'clock. Assisting host- t VMi.4V andi poet, was delineateci clearly for nwner warninin thel sit memibers assembled, bis personality, Mrs. P. L. Sommerlad, of the bis writings, bis philosophy,. his Northwest section, is general chairpoetry, aIl made real by Mrs. Beau- man of the arrangements committee. din, by Mrs. Frank A. Oelerich, and Her assistants are Mrs, T. Lvman by Mrs. Frank Thale, in biographical Binghani, Evanston:1 Mrs. Frank -sketch, in book and reviews, and in Teegarden, Evanston: Mrs. John. W. poetry. Mrs. Beýaudin told something Moorhead, Evanston: Miss Betty of the man himself, of bis works, Murdock. Wilmette: and Mrs. C. E. of the impression on students at Sildorf. Chicago. That comnilittee his Nýotre Dame when he gave bis lecture appointed the following to serve--as series there, of bis death in june. hostesses: Mrs. Sherman D. Clough, son, iinan iarmon; Mason, Rebecca Wells Carton A. Harkriess, Lalci; Mrs. M. Tho irth Shýore; Inmnan, place at the home of Mrs. Loui Mair, 303 Greenleaf avenuze, We( day, january 27. Reservations, v are limited, are tô be made as itarry sings with ease.. Announcements, then the usual so- as possible to Mrs. John J. Tr Arthur cial hour around. the- candielit, tea 336 Greenleaf avenue?-J. T.B. '-i vv ysO ana meansI py L3w L