KENILWORTH BUYS 70 per cent of ail public schooi revenue University college of xNorthwestern 'v.- 3 pJiec,< wicker set for the whô'le of the United. States is university bas arrnounced this. dance Near the Lake 100x175.... iette 4986. derived not from "S'tate" aid,- and series, ýwhich will inclucle Hanya i29LTN36-'ltp Fedjral :aid,. of which te w hear s0 Holm, the American leader of thie SECTIONAL BOOKCASE, OBLÔOG Mary Wigmnan dance, school, Dori's 562 Green BayRoad- Kenliwort :h 5540 living -roomü table, imported hand much, but'fromn local school district Humphrey' and Charles Weidman, il 4LT]!q36-ltc inade funds. buffet,' black.firte scereen, il ln and Martha Graham.. excellent condition and fine, pieces of keal Estat. Carnes Buren SELECT VACANT furniture. Nqione' Kenilworth. 741 bePractically the oplyý kind, of tax .a 'l.he series will offer in each of Ken. Ideal loc. A barg..-......$ 3,000- tween 9 and' 10 :a. M. 129LTN36-ltp school district1 or other small local three weekenid festivals,1 a' Saturday Winn. Conv. to high schi.....21000 governmhent ýcan levy, is the tax on iiight performance in Thorne *hall, 48" Gblencoe. Over %~ acre. Nr..lake.. 12,900, g e n e r a 1 property-principally real East Superior street and Lake Shore, jrequires 220,Volts:. ,*. 821 lSth' STREET,ý WILMETTH. e8tate. So the new national >report, drive, designed to interet.. primarily WINNTKA1800ý 129liTN36-lte means that. well 'over two-thirds of students and teachers of the .dance, a,,vuv 60 ft. Park ,Drive ........ Meirose Ave. 50 ft............ Roer Ave. Excellent loc. ... Kent Roacl, large lot .......... One blk. L~ake Corner ........ 'LAR~GEPA, :WITZLEBEN REALý TY 22,000 Will' sei 'foi 25,000 $25. Phone colatu Fe Mangfle, Quaker' Maid E.E.Stuilts Realty Co. ONE. 0F THÉ FEW LOTS LEFT 4 blooks -from.trans. lu section of new homes, $3,200. Mrs. Starnes exclusive agent. 584 ýLincoîn HARKNESS & LLOYD Winnetka 177 114LTN36-ltc Southwest corner 50x140 ln.-West Kenilworth, offered at $4,350. Fine location. 140 Center street R. B. WHITAKER CO. $5 .4 4 POST»R MAHOG. DED, BOX spring and mattress, $20 complete. Winnetka 2228. 129L36-ltp FOR SALE -BEAUTIFUL GRANDfathers dcock, 200 Yeats old. Also Imahogany bedroomn suite. No dealers. Phono Wiimotte 4869. 129LTN36-ltp 4 BURE~R AIC CH~EF STOZ,Ae 'most new; '4 piece mahogany bedromJ set. 8 piece wicker set; odd chairs; lamps; curtains; stono gardon bench, Konilworth 5209. 129LTN36-ltp Winnetka 3250 114LTN36-lic EAST GLENCOÇE. 75'x about 300'. Excellent location, near school, transportation, and làke. $100 ft. Winnetka 269' from the owners of homhes,,farm's and opther real estate. But' this means that_ any time real estate taxes get to be heavier than the. property can pay, and heavy taxc delinquencies ensue, local governments are, crippled, and if the condition gets bad enough, asw eaw in thte last f ew-.years, schools in niany places over the -country, have to be closed or their work curtailed. . School authorities in the RUGS F'OR SALE: ONE 9x12. ONE 6x8, recent years have corne to see the ono 5x7 Indian Navajo rug. Clark Jowol gas stove. 1730 Washington Ave., very close connection between a Wilmotte,866R. 129LTN36-ltp healthy tax condition for real estate and a healthy condition for school wTD. ro UUY-NSgHOLD. GOOD8. revenues. CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE. modern or antique, and other hou..-' State governments, unlike local goverfments, do flot need to -depend hold articles. Will also a.ccept your furnture on con- on a tax on real estate. Thev 'cari " IFoward.cabinet radio ............. RCA CONSOLE RADIO.........$10 al our commnon:scho o! supeo rt cornes .with signmont basls. a -highly, technical lecture. and demonstration. The 'Popular. recital will'be presented at 3:30 Sunday af t-, ernoon in the Auditorium the.ater.. Thé series Will open. with a prelimjmary. lecture by John Martin, dan-ce c ritic of the New York' Times, Feb. 10, in Thorne hall. Hanya Holm and fer groutp will give their telchnical performance Feb. 13, and their popular performance in thé Auditorium theater Feb. 14. Miss Holm's groujp, includes seven dancers, all trained in the style of the Mary WignIan diance as it originated in Germany. They will also bring an amazing assemblage of weird percussion instruments for accompaniment.-Doris Humphrey a n d Chüles ACRAOt gAND USTATE6 Shore Golf Club, al IMprovements ln able. Win and paid. Qualified. for F. H. A. loans. FOR Sevoral new homes now under construction. Price $1,600 to $2,000. SUNSET RIDGE DISTRICT Soveral half acre tracts opposite North GLENVIEW BORDERS Wante( Mlust be li constitutions were drawn- up. The one logical way of taking off sonie of the present excessive tax burclen on 'real estate is to draw school support in greater proportion from the state, with its comparatively wide tax base. Cites Exampi. In Point Home owners and school heads alike may well be interested in a statement from the State Department tween. them they have a hundred. Miss Humphrey is a product of Chicago. Martha Graham, who wiIl dance with her group of twelve dancers, will corne to Chicago March 13 and 14. Known as an ultra-Modern American artist, Miss Graham bases her dances on the, American rhythm, the '1' ~-LTN10-tfc from rned e f. hree rStreet,,