C. J. ZSWUHJR.D..Boes A. C. LyNcHE..ALRH B. A. SOOWLEY P. G.BEBASW. T. CARLsoN Asîk Your RepresentatiV Or a: flonstrati -Tda -CoUder WeatherUsoth ~< Wy Be prepared for the wort +ha+ winfer has to offer. Fill your bin now with Consumners Guaranteed Coul or Coke and b. sure of a warmn, comfortable home with no furnace troubles. If you own a stoker, Ouar camplete service wil he of specJol Interest fo yosa. nsumers'Cmpany GUARANTEED COAL -COKE- FUEL 1I Wlmete 338, Gence 7 100,Winefk Phons MIR-%