~A 5 '~ ~> WILL PERFORM OALADDIN' BE U Y SOT J."'ladn" will'be preierteI by the JÏc ad il Plyesunert édi- 1124Gremea Av. Irection of Marie Agnes Foley atth Wilmette 409 Wilmette Women's Club at 2 o'clock, Saturday, March 13. W. are Famous Safurda.y md Sunday 35 for Milk, Shakos, C.Quart Brir-k of Ice Creàrm [I WUMLMETTE 5ý ~FRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Aventme WILMETTE, ILLINOIS * ng, rcuruary o, uuar uin bsWAnWA sLip. ofthe, Winnetka Artis t Recital series. Single tickets may be .purchased.for this and for the..remaining conicerts in thie series. *Miss Anderson's background is a 'cbildhood ini Philadephia, where her mother and three sisters stili live, to- day. Originally froin Lynchburgi Va.,, where Îhe bad been 'a school teatber, Marian's mother moved to the Quaker city where she rnarried, there to rear ber family-and to support it, too, when ber busband died niany years ago.- Her. diploma had ýbeenj destroyed in a fire shortly after she settieci in.,Philadeiphia, and tbe* difficulty of procuiing another mrade ber abandon school teaching, taking up work by tbe day. T.I.....l A ChIi man aU training in thei wher sh Sùnday Services-i i a.i. Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-8 pa.f. Sundav School Exercises-9 :4 ç a.m. READING ROOM-î 133 Cen tral. Avenue Open Daily <eîcept Wednesçhiy) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. te 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. te 9 P. MI. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and all other authorized Christian Science Lterature inay be read, borrowed or purchased at the. Reading Roo.m. THiE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITEB. TO ATTEND THE CHfURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READIN~G ROOM >orhood Baptist church, Sin the choir. inew anthern was. given "I learned ail four parts tenor and bass. It was c to corne to church on hear the leader say : ,F I.7- the Lewîeohnnqtag~iuuuM *IIr.t L5Fjinpj1Lt ant triumph. and one *tlkat .alded lier imprrtantly hni': «recelvine:in - Invitation te appc-ar , with the PhIladel»)hI-ý%Jntl- harmonic orchestra under Joseph Paster-* nack. Thirough the Intervention <'f Mrbi. Carl 1itn.i the NationalAsoit1s of Nettre Muslcians presented Miss Anderson nifth a scholarshlp for furth-r ietudy. After several' years of hlgher training s'nd rn!nnr concert appearances. ber , advisors sent bier te. Europe te cri, 1the %ing.s3 of> lier sc.ng lin new lands. 14er first :vp- pei.ranc. was ln Paris Thé elw werc tiattering, anid ;!e --v-ingaged fr a trs-European tour. Anierican cor- respondents Went .tn hear , ler and ruehed.to therireyewrlters ln ecetaey. The 'cables -were .hot wlth pjral4.39 for Mlarl an Anderson. the great Negro con- traito from Philadelph la. 1,4'&r tw<' yen ru the wires te America hummed. Then S. -f urok .Sawr her in Europe and l.-crime her Ameri.can manager. The reet ta' histcry. By-unanlmoue consent )Ï leadlng rcnt- 4o.eluin Imtw4of the -Ne ~w York Times. Miss Anderson. ta "ene of the greatest singere of our tinie SCIJOOL TRIP Editor, WU. F'rrE - .E Ik f were also accorr rit te htgh Davis. Miss Tb< îbu. vocal, Woodley. Iocýl Negro i Ve saw ail the Boghetti ai th in New making and Mr. started te about, them. The whieh she plained what their, Many of emd hstr wn church Wetaetisr red on the been- studying c jette. took us. vv C ripanied bv Miss ïrnas, a n d Miss processes of. dress Alexandter told us workçers alsô ex- rwork was. rit) because we.have thi nz problens in Fields retail store. The' v Trier tozconshiP twill be fil t'*icome. one, 0&d : Lf"--