Steworh.. Privot. motow, I Pre.Iri or But Iune a %KUAPII ÇENTRELLA HONEY :i~ ,'.d SPIt4ACII For tntDBlw cot'kit sekio Lb. 35,c [x Grind oemy ndl makes leDlous eoffee. 16-oit No. 21/a Cou stores Ti O e FIGS ..*.. cIO1/2 0&. C.msH CUNTItELLAN *Pleuty of 210h, Whole 14h e The Pluest of Q*Umlty riz.? é Realthfut Vitamin DO Tesmi. 0 Purest Ca suz aa? àLard Centrella Cen refl BED DRI FUI»AT SPEClALeS Deliclous fRaisin Wbite Brad ....... .... k Ohi-paebtoflOl Donuts, Do . ......... ... Clara PRUNES "p.-. *l*t soir for Large silo f 'j hi tibs.ISC <1 Ths al or u Ifor 21c e.. eo*~M@2 Co 2. for 8oz0. Pkg. 3 for 35c ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS Y..!Pie Ifor e. *6A S.tgaloi 2 for 25c Sp.cIoI Lb. COLOSSAL SUGAR PEASý là e0. Cas2.for bot c.r«. . AM 0F WIIEAT Large, site 2. for 45c e e e 1144.46.48 Cntwal ~~~gg* lWUI 24 wliV goonor.muv *1 f 21e a a a 6