day présentationi wilI be for the eil- joyment of the students and the coc munity. The cast of. the play includes Miss Louise Hmlo.Miss.,Inga.,Geruo. Mrs. Miner Coburn. Dr. C. Russel j Small, Arthur VanDeurseli. Nelson S.: Lehman. Rowland Wehr. Minler Co- btrn, and Léonard Hoskins.i The sttinig of the play, is at Bath.' En~lad. > 1775. Unider the su 1er- Vision of Mý,rs. Jane Ligbter,> elabor- *te costumes have been procured, w,ýhich will be typical and.correct, ni every détail., New scenefY eis beine constructed by. Robert Harper atnd bis student stage crew.1 The comibiniatioli of thel kenery and 'the costumes- ill: en- h ance the attractivefless of an alreadv famous play. N Miss Elisabeth Stanwood is di- recin te la. She is very familial- with the plot and c aracers of Tl Rivais" and is gtiidinLr the players so skillfully that each character will stand out as a distinct individual and it is dificuit to say which will **steal the show." it was asserte-dthis wee FORT LAUOIRDALE 1~ t -- -#7gr 'y g I - I - - - - - - - - - ~1 for /-hroff/ed' ~32Q Peet t. I -----j tipon WIhcl the wheels.- it il$ çcied to :tound- You should nyrrî to, the mark- i-so many factors enter into. the. estimfate of, rollinz distance. such as air ini the tires. sharp or smooth. tai1 skid shoes. Sand. mud, or siope of -ground.that. you cathnot. tell, the. dis- tance yrour ,plaàne will roîll, but vou can and should be held responsible -for the point. at which you touch, yolur. heé'ls. In starting the fuît 360 clegree turn. the motor istrtte bve the poin.u oflanding. '1he'first turn is flot made' 1mmediatelVý for y ou should make a straieht glide for the short distanc .e iît would1 take to d*isc over a field-im- jmediatel-, beneath vou, as in a simiu- jted forced landing. The flrst tu"nTshold not be made at too sharp an anzle. but should be made -positivelv. Bv this tirne yet. should have developed. a snitabile glide. started toward the point froni which the second turn is to be made. This second turn is indicated on the diagrarn as the ."key position." tude, w q1d( %elocitv, position relative In, ta When yc Co. ýand knows .1. stails and - to flaiatm] N EV/I - - imipi 'J e y"'........... -i-- in top solo. on and at the saine tinie give at- -i- S casier to judge altitude aîad teep banks. tention to. objects on the grôund. distance i two directions, or bv mal<- it beneficial After -ou have become accustonwd inz a 90 degree turn f rom' a side ap- ut. continue1 to this you wifl l nd that your atten- proach, rather than attempt to. judge ____________________________________it in one direction, or from one long Atte samne time, you should. be caref ulhtIot to turn too close ta the ground and bc sure to have a straight elde with wings level 'froni at least N E R S, 5 yards back of the obstacle. wffl 014UNWS UrT &MN E 10LOS, UNITD AI1*.N Send ýin that question about avia- tion aind we will try to atnswer it for you. Address Aviation Editor, this' magazine.