Wi,ter sesto hbe'unable tw> put a check on home 'construction,_ if one is to judge by the nuimber of permits issued ini ýNw Trier township villages so far in january. Truc,, the 1 weathcr lias so fat. been favorable, but it is iievertlie- leSs W'orthy ,of note that. advanltage, is heing taken of the niild-,tetmperatures to go àhead with buildin g -that other- Nvise would be held over until ., pring. Perinits issued during thé nmonth", to date. follow Wilmette .Iîi. --NthifAhefner, 1I114 MIýî- nod ven e. retiee -Iller.1t ions, JIan. 4-11. J. Kunzer, 1319 (Gregory ave-, im.garage alterations, $500Q., IJa. 1--Alive Keilback, .602 Wash!ng- von avenue, pivate garage, $450. Jnn. 4-.1111es Crabh, 1140 Elnîwood avenue. single t'a iilly redc.Arehi- teet, L t. M.. qit , ?;Wllui~ Lia ke. $1 2,000. .Jani. -5-William B. Lucke, 514 East IHa ilroad avenue. ;-car iprivatte garage. A. e r ionctractor, $600. .lan - -lime le.lty (Co., 504 Knox tvN-t-ie, singît' famnily frmnie hesidence aruhîtect, S. F. ya builder, 1-oIIe Carl>. Co.; $6,000. Jan. 8--Moree ealty ('o., 9,926 Wil- mette avenule, single famil.y frame resi- 41lee : avltS. F. Nyduni: builder. Ilin e (' 1.Co.,;$6,000. * .Ju. ~Kruveî' ; Daleflronl, 1515 NVIIJIIIIt a veilue, res'idem-e a terat lons, convi the g Stewart B. Whitaker to Hea d Realty, Convenitioni Robert B. Whitaker, president of the R. B. Whitaker company of -Win- netica.and the R. B. Whitaker com- pany .,of Keno-. sha, WVî$- is soon to preside at the contven- tion of the North_ Central region of the National asso- ciation nf Real- 1Estate ýBoards. M4r. Whitaker i as elecéted vice- >vember. He will head the committee and preside at Ssessions to be held at br, April 9 and 10. The rai region includes the rth Dakota, South Dako- a, Minnesota, Iowa, and T wo Hundred and Nine New .Homes Constructed. During Year Tôta.1lint $3,216,7$ Building activities in the villages of WVilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka. and Glencoe, which in 1936 phznged ahead to a M04 per cent increase over the 1934 slump to a total of 170 per- mits for only $761,274 worth of imù- provements, took' another leap_ for- ward in 1936 to a total of 494 per- mits for. an expenditure of. $3,723,077. or a 61 per cent increase.ove r that of Reidential -Up 104 Per Cent A significanit feature of the fore- going 'Compilation is the fact that while the 1936 figures show-at 61 per Icent increase over tbe 1935 totals. thTe 209 1new 'tegidetives'ereeted -t a cost of $3.216,775 in 1936 represent an increase>of 104 per cent over new residence building in 1935. The 1935 residence increase over 1934 was 293 5were in the :ost of Mr. family rsdeîeand attaclieti garage. Areîltet,.(eirge Fred Jc. "aOn. .Josep>h Bralin. The wv is bîîilder. Jan.I--ui 1'. Ti(er., 2418 Eliwood avenuithte Franz sbiiin Brick VCICCVsiniefamnily residence. Archi- tect. . . u>arson. 1,.Il. Le, huilder. S.nii .1; . Jmes ahd A. I. Quit- Robert L. Wyatt 1117ii îxîenh t1et. in Keni1lorth - pai kaditin.Brick veneer single faîuîly sdce.AehteA. 1Ji Quit- J'an. 19-F. B. JDonne. 1945 Beuchwood that attracted thousands of prospec- in the township. tive -hone owners and others inter- Ranging from $4,500 to $150,000, G eÀâ ýested ini the newer developments ,,, the averaze cost of the 225 residences home construction. Offices of the iwas $14.300. (Ray) concern are enclosed ini an attractive Most Built For Owuers Elmer OIson dwelling-like structure at 140 Center The new residences, for the most S t e w a r t B'.! street, Winnetka. iart. have been built by owners to :atthews, v i c e__________ be occupieci by thern. It is truc a esiden+ of Bairdi numiber have been erected for the iud NVarner. Inc.. I PEEDWODTILE Imarket. but, in most instances, they te of thé new ýresidences -Wiii for Mir. and Mrs. J. P. Langfitt, Appietree road, in Broadmeada (COntinlued on page 28) ini a ~sctio i soumlj i I.Il'Vý. ' 1 jet w Lnote(t for its exceptionally fne ksaea ep'oit> >Unu -r animai c id,Buildittg ,,urnber.) onei (Cont n, but, as revc on 'page 28) homes