and $750U,(M Jin * olume 'of sales. Thi s côtitinued "ed-'of - year" activity rouinded out 1936) in a mos t.satisfac- tory n .alamer and is a splendid in- *dicatiori of any foreca--t for the A. M Lanaker year of 1937. Trendsý for continued and better *activity ini the gteneral field of real estate are definite. The vear of 1936 *has already proved thlese trends as correct and instruMental in produc- ing l)etter real estate business. These Érends are: 1. Better gefleral business. 2. Increa-sed exnployment. 4 . Delayed' marriages ftaklng place. .>. laek-to-the-c-ity moveflieft. h.* ousing shortage is Immrinent. 7Population ineçretse. 5Lower vacancies. 9. Higher rents. *10.' Jnereased building. 1l, Fewer foreclosrês. 12, Mortgage mon'ey plentiful.. 13. Influence of inflation. il. Rising miarket. 15. Confidenc<e In investnient. Thiese factors are influencing more Biiiit in the Monterey style of architectu~re, this home, .,tow iunder construection, is owned by Edwin H. Clak, noted architect. and Winnetka iresident. Thse residence i: located on a 9-10 of an acre tract at 251 White Oak loue, Win,,etka- Edwtin H. Clark, Inc, are the architects. Thse home.uwill have'fit teent rooins, with 4!2 baths. It U411 bu. artially air-conditioned, wsith hot water heating and «iii have reflective inisulations. General contractor for tihe residence .: is e, He#keCtonstruction coml>ny; carpenster contractor, Henke Con- struction company; heatioig, Commonwealth J-Iating com pany; plumbing,,J. G. Weber comnpaty; decorating, Kor1 ,Ekdahl.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seven building permits, four for ew residences costing $89,5ff0 and By Gale M. Brook" (No rth Shbore Homes; IJaw., W11ilisette) For a tbousand dollars--or evei less-you cari get a car that ivili talc you twice arourid the world withot We look forward to 1937 as a year' for bxgger. and bette r: accomplis;h- ineunts for evervone etigaged ini the business. P~tr Riilds Dream nost, for the tires. But licw. you drive awav -the car. and it's good for nei'r 50.0001 miles wthout an-1 other item of ex- 9 pense - save oc- crease. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ qhl FINE INSULATION EXAMPLE for a tw The English design E. E. Bradway ,t 605' residence at 545 Ash street. Winnet- Raîph E ka+ provides a fine example 0f niod- zan ;ivei erri iî)sulation construction. The ex- iand Toi nue. Chicaeo. ii :H. 1Davies, The first floor is of steel reinforced concrete. There is a 3-car ,garage witIh servants' quarters above. ýidifyïng, cleanng-all auto- 1i ul- is a pleastire tc -Artistic. Interior; Youri fui t'o live i!. RoadIHome tii Michi- architect. ette. gel- 1lilas