rnew resîidencescs as compared with 3ý in 1935 and four am fand $70"6,60ïn KenlwothKéoeps Pace The total for Kenilw-thin 1 was 51 per.mits and $561,990, as cotm-7 pared to 22f and $167,130 in 1935 and seven and $W350 i 1934. Thlrtv-one of the 1936 permits were for. new residences -costinig $522.675. as, com- pared to niâne and $139,950 in 1935 and three and $49,500 in 1934. 1 A1 total of 146 perm'ifs for improveý- ments costing $1.063880 were. issued i Wininetka durinz 1936, as com- pared to 1,11 anà $661.960 in 1935 -and 57 and $381.760 min 1934. Forty-emgft Iof the 1936 permits were for new- residences costing $898.900, as corn- pared to 22 and$288,650 in 1935 and CIeicoe Hite $U8,224 ýoe issued a total of 78 huild- milts ini 10~6 for improvemetits ing to $W8,224, as comparc.d nd $416,329 in 1935' and 32 and Sin 1934. Thîrty-one of the -its issued in 19,36 were for sidences costing - $708,700. as ed to 20 and $225,340 in 1935 . it and!$153 ')45in 1934. The other permit for, a new edee waes taken out by Dr. Stuyvesant Buti,, Who W tbuilding a two-storè'rami- s-hitigle dweiling with built-in garage ai "14 Park etreet, eostinig $25,000. Lincolii Nore-ott Hall, 1500 West Bireil- wood etvI&nu. ('hicago, Is the arehîteet. a d W., F. Ietersôn. 640, East Wood- land park, (7lieagoý,. theý builder. Glencoe 'TWo building perits, onle for a rw\s residence and thé other for a $50 r- nio(elillg j ob at the residence of W. .- Kempjk. 605 Verinon. avenue, were issued in Glencoe during the first. fii- teen, days of January. The w residence, of stonce ver constructioni and costing $14000, is be- .mg buit by Chartes R. O'MaIley, ai 398 Sunset Jane. R. P. Travelletti. 20F ~W est -AM ainis treét, Chi ago, i ,th ', architct. Nfr. O'Malley is the biiider. Dawn of the Year 1937 i'937 sIinals the real estaté %e vvtnr Lo continue itore diljgently withi real Iestaite iivest- V1, WINDING STAIRCASE ~èA feature of the new French' 'n provincial residence of John F. and Bertha V. Fenn, 864 Boat parkway, SWinnetka, is the unique and strikingi winding staircase, providing six dif- ferent levels. The house is air conli- tioned throughout, contains nline room and2 complete baths and , clar*,fies flic apparent mis- c o n Cc e1p tiolm o f in a n p) r o p) e r t v owie v ho are iider the i ni p) r- s sion that ail prospi estate are int Wilmette 374.0 Briargate 1106- Greenleaf I1166 i iii';, I 'g. ferW