with a lingl.,c-or- .building a .resi- dence instead of- ga4nizatîons. The Ruggles organ,-_ zation will seli the W. G. Ruggls individual vacant property rlraw' the, plans for the building.,niake the, mortgage the 1i-' reqluireflients in- organzic, emtctevit manner within the, budget which the_ owh er's capital -and income establish:- Mu*it Fit Site The, bou'se'musýt, be planned to -fit the site so that thesurr9unding land. as well as :the interior of. the b ouse, May beý enjoyed.. The new bhouse must be in comity with the neighbor- ing homes and. the communitv- in general. dividual requires and write the Ii- -~ srane m prtec th prpery. Not only must the architect design a blouse which looks elafrs Conrction on Shore' glance, -but hie mustý also imagine the: At the pr esent. time William G. lives, of the famnily withini the homne Ruggles Associates, Ic., bas threc I so that the. bouse is ýboth efficient homes under construction, one f or and pleasure affording. and will be. W. C. Brokate at' 2605 SiiPýso'n street, cotnfortable, convenien t. and Coli- Sanother for C. N. Cofoid. at 20-22 \Mc- dusive to a- sense of well-being. 9lm Daniel avenue, and a third for F. . Other Consideration ley Nbaea 1i73 ec~wblae atrrials, their uses, limitations, 'Z" ijeWilett~zT~e bildigs re colors, textures, and costs, are part drthe personal supervision ofT.S oth riec'vcauranle XIz' Williams,, formerly of thé achtc architect' vcblay n i Stural firm of Oldfest and William s. Imstko hi osbejxaoi tions to provide structure and beauty William G. Ruggles Associates, mnc., ýbecause of their inherent qualities. only recently announced a two and H e iust avoid tnistakes ini propor- a balf million 'dollar building project tion, to keep theni pleasing, and lhe tof small homes of ýquaIity in the For-mutdsnhoe tookasi X etHlssubdivision, Peoria, II people lived in theni. In short. hie , J- 1- --- ý*- - Î7,Tere are eight houses under con- nust feel. as weIl as think and knlow. Mr. Ruggles states that his ttieorv.- plan and. purpose is to sei' homes oi wînter air conditioning. quality on a production. basis, so that The Proria office is under the man- the public can buy them as>a complete agement of. Roger A. Larson, an unit as one would buy an automobile Evanstonian. The buildings are un- -one price, one pa.yment; on e or- der the persônal supervision of T. S. ganization with which to do business, Williams, formerly of the architectur- as 'for example: His organization will ai firm of Oldfest and Williams. cel-1if l -- 'PL- L__ 1560 Wilme$t. Ave.Wief 49 t Walmelte 4490