exesicparc f t i-, qednes. tAc,0 resh#iperlt Robert Kingery, 106 nabretpe of Wnnetka, man- UEvanston . ....... ,2. ager of the Chi- Kephlworth .3 cago Regional le Wnce.......... 1 Planing associa- HGhlafld ...... .....29*l tio n, recozm i efd - Lae 'orèst .-.. . 4.2 d this and other Robet Ki "g erY Lake Bluff ... . 1 . forward- looking North Chicago.- ..,,.ý .. . policies to, officiais and cvic laeswuea . of the north shore at aspcamet Keeping in Midten attht1 ng recently, sponsored by the Nrth ce fprks per 1,000. persons is, rt asocition bleby 1W, a shore Proper y,, Owners ascain adequate and <esirabeby16,a - Son HaroajOS Acion reas, th Norb Shre surb i- The confereilce was the first Of a, series o similar discussions the prop- ery 0nr association is planningin order to encourage, greater' coopera- tion with the organizations working out the Metropolitan Chicago plan -shore suburbs in a prograni of har- mfoflious action. Mr. Kingery gave the following interesting figures to show hôw the north shore suburbs already have been zoned to take care of popula- - 1 "l Arm g~ à- -- - - For each i,00 inhabitants. in the Chicago district, four acres are used for, industrial purposes, one and one- haîf acres for retail business, sixty- five for residential purposes and ten for parks and playgrounds, Mr. Kmi-. - , r..àA ;n howiny, nme of -theý bave parkarea, Per I,00 persons# as follows%. assuxning. that. the preset acreage is not increased: ce Evafaton P. 2 Wllmnette........ ........... 1.8 Wtnnetlcs............. Glencoe ....... .......... Hlighland Park......... ,15.2 Lake Forest.... ............ 14.2 Lake Bluff........... 11.3 North Chicago ............ 4.3 Waukegafl.. ..5.6 N..d Grenter Park Are& N.1 r. Kingery's discussion emlpila- sized, in the .minds of the audience, the, .ne.ed for greater paLrk prOVisiolIS urDs wiU ll epreareu anawl - be able to adapt theniselves to regional plan in general. ýttel ¶ the The new English type home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Carlson, 231 .Win- netka avenue, Winnetlca, is buit witb exterior of Lannon stone and slate, $ .4