constant lnow c» dividends. even durinLg the past depression," said Aider R. Tighe, head of Tighe Realty comvanv. Aier R. Tighe .521 Fourth street. (Mathew Franciis) Wilniette. Amswers Own Question Continu!ng, Mr. Tgt akd "4What is the direct cause of -price priniing or price iîftlease - in real estate?ý" and then proceeded to give the answer..' "Constant improvement of business conditions: availabilit.v of. fiunds desirinz ihvestmnent:, realiza-. tion that replacement costs are high- 1er than prevailing price'.:, distress i oronerties removed from. market into Tt is the intent of the two offices to work cobperatively,.i their repc tive territoies. se-~ mngthe recent sales of Mrs. Starnes ýare a residence saleto .L M. Tohnson, member of the, firni of John8on Spring Cushion compai y, and a choice East Hihlhhnd Park, homesite to Walter Pathauer where' he intends to start building itnmedi- ately. USES PRECISION LUMBER Hines, Bonded Precisin lumuber was used ini the construction of the new Cape Cod ,Colonial style type G. C. Roeddiger home at 1261,Twen- ty-flrst street,. Wilmette. Tt. is birch trimmed througheut, with métal- lathed ceilings. Tt contains a knotty pitie recreation room ini the basetvent, with Lannon stone fireplace. ory. Proo- been ab- inz. iights and condemnation of lanid selection. for various purposes. These items in the price some instances amount to $200 "er the -group lot per year over a 10-year payment ing. Gen- period. Compared now witb 1929 been re- we finc that if not ail. ait least most leling, cor- ail of these charges have been paid. nbing and adinL, tha~t nmuch valuep *nthe 1926i- 10 Ifis the t( n- cost of a house to realize that pri ss- day separate il ich then, inust be s a lôowfigure. Addc oday construction of candi you will.readilv ice and value are to- tems. Your decision, to buy real estate 1932: price therebv lh ýis this ti ider $7,500, as aý "An( ed wi value menlts I