VINTIAN BUNDS Witt Do FWonder$ Aor Your Home! We'i ,comnrnd the popular *«Kirich". WUNDOW SHADÈS WALLPAPEIS-LINOLEUMS A comploe line from leadling manufacturera Free Estiusales PAINT STORE, ILINDEN AVENUE 996 HBR ~WOODSTKA996 L.Morqan Vosi nias thé architeci lor the ýabove home wehich is now oMe» or insection Smtiiday atrosf ront 1 toifil 5 o'clock. Il j: located at 2176 Dell place, Highla»d park, t(hich j: one block casi and oitebloknOrth of' the' Sheridan1 road entrance to Rarein la Park. The house is d estiqned zwith a. sensitive blending of. the Mode ri With the Gcorgian. The exierioris of white painted br ick. FPour be droois and two bath: compr ise the second loor, 1uzhilie the first floor réoois are- aiigmted'by a breakfast room-and lar'o tory. The basemegint con tains arecreation roopit îitIi fi replace. Tlie'itterior is also carried out in the contemipor i-ed Georgiae ngmnner. mi ~ BYOR BUILD? I By James J. Gatherçoal, Architeet IThe current problem of shelter bhas always been one of -vital concern to à, large percentage of the people. both on the north shore and to those as- -piring to be numbered aniong us. The orientation of. the house takes into special consideration the iovelY-View over the adjoining ravine. 1Mr. Yost, whose officeïsisnl the First National Bank-- building in Wilmette, believes that this house. expresses the simplicity of the new architecture with- out severing connections with the tra- ditions of the past.- n;rqn ith1i ts vonner brother. ESnomi*,Trends. Big. SFactor in Appraisals The real estate appraiser mnust strive to visualize the future as far as 20 years distant, states the De- cember Federal Home Loan Bank Review, in an article on general economic and social factors and trends which affect real estate values. The article discusses appraisal meth- tThe 0 sisa..-V.y H1uuédifier 't or Hot Air, Steai and Hot Voter HgaUng Systg.s meI rioK e &n %oeu ire andi tornaao. xnsurancc me problem, considered f rom ing, the savng of -pr( aspect, no longer stops where .would accrue is inconseqi efathers would have it, as pared to the feeling of schemes have made. material the assurance that adeqi The cost of operation and tion bas been provided fo nce is just as much a part mean so much to us. ilding cost as are the original1 Econoeny of Sp 'd materials. A home today ri'. ""... lm ta Tmium . that he is as much concerned witb what uential com- property is going to be worth in five, security atid ten or t ,wenty years as he is. with uate protec- what it is worth today. Hie shoùld :) those who know that the rate of population growth has been steadily declining in ace recent decades and should be able t& tbas been interpret the extent to which this needs of a factor riay apply within the specific -9.. district in which he is appraising. phi...Wlumtka MW JILL