HARDWARE PAI.NTS Cial! Us for, Estiniale For 15 years we bave been servicing a eus- tomfer list of better ýNorth Shore home own- ers. Our, foremost aim %is quality in products. with a serv ice wbich makes for lastifig satisfaction. Phone. us today for a freeý esti* maeon your job-be tsMl r large Cer IeteLneo -OIL - LASS PAINTERS' SUPPLIES The Stoare Ffith Quality Merchandise '-'W.n For.merly WOLFF-GRIFFIS, INC. INC. Jamets Cr abb, wcl kn Wn JUj house as well as considering carefully mîette butilder, lias,,n o7ç-under conf- the broader elements of plan and mas S. struèttioii one of the feu, homtes 10 The, bouse coîisists of .eigbtlarge. bc bvilî for sale ini cast Wilie! te. r ooms, includîng four bedroomnes, and a in îamoy it th nigîbrh ,d pin e paneled ,librairy, asý well as the the Isotie is of larqier t/ian average lagetan usual living room, dinng *sizc. Designjcd in the FArly Ai>neri- room and kitchen. with .breakfast 11ook« can nianner, the house w111 bc char- Two baths are on the. second floor and acterized by ' a .çoye 'enecr first a powder room 'is -.conlvenieîiity locatedt flcor sitrmousied by an îozerhànQi;qI on the first floor. *seconid floor. oj Westernî cedar ela!'- Alrefnse ereatioli roomn, a bo d.Tein bdof the house hobby rôoniand a lavat ory vareit h wvill, be flan ked 1bY nqs one basenient. The heating jýIlnt1 is1 a ga S- houisiny the livinsi rovoni.theie ther, a fired, winter air-conditioning unit placed sc-reenied porch api two-car garage. artfoiheeration rooin. An ~abe5tos , shingle ',o)f. opper iL, Morgan Yost, Wihinette architect, water pipes, and full insulatioii are typi- an d bas studied the details to be con'- usually >bigb quality of Mr. Crahh's pletely ini accord with the style of the homes. 1119-21 Central Avenue Opposite Wilmette Theatre Witmeffe 183-184 ,e Large Parking Space in rear for the convenience of our customers BOOKS Librorian Lista Many of Aid in Modern flouses Architectural Forum-=Hou$se for %14d- ern Living Yorke-The NModern House QUÂLUTY COA&L The buildter ani owner rmust .now jin ii i'nciu what tbey want to achieve. The owner,1 Georgian Arrhitecture especial1y1 tmust recognize bis philoso- Ramnsey - SinauilHouses of the Late phy f lf~-s h inlovewit peple 4,eorgiaîî Period, 1750-1820 phy o lifeis li iii ove I-H peple.,of the 'Wren and Earvy Does lie want thenm around? Or does Georgian Period hie want peace and quiet and n dis- * uy(uIit Details of Dre~i tractions?- What..activities is this Ios.1 lBemd house intended for?- Will historical Iuwry-~r1d Houspis architecture answer. his needs, or wiIl Freweh JIousiS only modern satisfy? hmeIifT<m$i Architectur'e in Ther aremaii boRural raflce ,f2fV nks that wiIi iEberlein ESniall, Manor H<>u,*±s ànd îsti not more * uiIad ' Tools *Bath Acmaisoie.,. I