itM4 was the curont issu BUILDING P.ROGRBSS 01n other pages of this issue will be found the. comprehiensive building and.real estate surve>' which has become anl annual feature, ail.ticipated with keenest interest by everyone, concerned withl the growth anddevelopmeî1t<of north shore residential areas. That the surve>' is more volumi- nous than heretofore is fot due to a. more inten- sive search.for material, or.a boadeig of the boundaries of' investigaàtion, but ýsolely to the tremend(1u5. increase, ni home building activity *that was plain to even the mtostcasual observer during 1936.- S At the beginning of 1936 it was con fidenti>' ex- -peted that home. cnstruction would surpass that o <f 1935. which totaled $2,311,381 in New 'Trier township, but that it would réach the impressive figure oif, $4,423,077 was îiot anticipated b>' even the most optirnistic north shore booster. he point' is emphasized that this figure is largely made up of home construction, accessory buildings such as garages. repairing and remnodeling, onlly a rac- tion rcpresenting improvemnents i the *6?n- mercial areas. Nor has ail of this corne about sud- for 1937? Qutstanding leaders ini the building industry confidently and conservativel>' estimate that New Trier bu ilding will this year pass the $6,500,000 mark. This estimate is based not upoix wish'ful thinking, but upon an intelligent and experieliced survey of the activities nlow ini progress. not all of W'hich have even reached the stage oif conipletetl plans, or the taking out oif permits. or even of 'selection of sites. But loca- as this are prone t w knttflIflK Uii LUl p'u* - not affect theni, dots not touch themn, that thcy are more or less immune. That is not true. The fact is' that the. crime problem, touches cerv nian. woman and child in -Âmerica." No thinking rmai or woman vho poniders ýthosc words can conjure up argu m ents to effectually controvert them.- There is not a. robbery, murder, kidnaping or crimne against women and children w*hich does flot have a direct bearing.upon every citizen. True, nione of these may happen to himi or, any memnber, of his family, but the stigma <of a situation that permnits any. one of thein to he perpetrated rests. upon the co untry, aid flhc country is made up oif individuals. Just how a great furor is being raised over the release oif desperate criminals by the parole. board, .whose acts are being defended with mucb ,show of sincerity by Governor Horner. News- papers and crime commissions are tond in fhelr. protests against the practice. They point out that many of these criminals have undergone no reformation whatever, and as quickly as released resume their crirninal practices. Several murders of police officers and attacks upon women and sinall girls have been charged to parolees, sorne of whoin have confessed the most heinous of crimes. None of these protests have proved effective in * ..,,tinv atol) to the acts oif the parole board. then we cértainly have an obligation' to do our utxùost to solve the problem, which appears to he rooted and grounded in the unhol>' alliance betwecn politics and the vicious underworld of crime. The incentive behind this alliance is monefor one and protection for the other. To trace its effects is not difficult. The partncrship lbas contiiued long enough, and brazenly enough, that the subterranileafi- as sages leading from' the dens ofesare nlainlv niarkcd. *. * ** Elaine Barrie, who chased trouble clear across* the country a couple of months ago and found it by marrying john Barrymore. has filed suit for. divorce. "After1 long and consideràhie, thoughlt." she is quoted, «'I found the only-possible course %vas t o proceec w'ith. tis action."9 hat kind of thought, dear Miss Barrie, special a moi star, might lead to almost any conclision'. There be those who - ssert, aid, with the Mnost serlous manner, thait they, have, througliý obser- vation and by demonstration, madecompa1)àri solis (always . odious)> between the canine, orAdog. family and.bu- nMans, a.nd found that for in- telligecnce and good brýeeding th uan does flot rate highcr. Others ma,, assert, withi equal positi-venicsS,. thiat tlic- (log acts brly froîw in- stinct anid therefore does not think, but the dog proporientS cry this argument dovn. Be- ing neutral on this suWect and concerned only with facts, we~ merely preserit an instance and leave the partisans to settie the argument, aniong thcflselves-tliat is, if au argument c-aii c\ver be s éttled-a ssert ifg only that thie dog ini the Governor's qtuaraintin-e, and as a coiisquiic(* he was frequently .apprchended b>- the (log catcher and confined iin the dog .hoosegow. These repeated associations developed a kindred feel- ing between captor and captured, which gre-, and ripened until the lattr recognized ini tlwu forrv a bosom friend, and whcnever the dog Paddy wagon appeared in his leighborhood, lie %oulcl glcefully chase it and hop in for the custoniarv r; c I ;Q arued tat the habit denotes intelli-' Riven. marchers Ii Washng Those whose faith in the north shortelias re- cprpf,'îl'lot to shouit, - - The weather forecaster, hinting at possible d a crowd of WPA sflow, said: "You know, that white stuif tht teother day. MNighty cornes down from the clôucls." Subtie, eh ? W ant W ork." T ym PHANTOM RIP0RTR.. F,. j