ail whO are responsible for leader -- Brownie 'Pack Number 3 bas' had ship training in anv locality. It 'n-a busyý fali and winter niaking Xmas cludes a survey of thecomprehensî»ve presents . for parents, fillinz red triiiflg rogramn and the content of stockitîgs for children's homes. and the varjous; courses, special enîphasi holding a carol service for'tbe Swe- being gvnt aeilfr n dish Old Peopple's. home in Evanston nethods of, presentinw the general,ý which wvas enjoyed very much by tramnping. and . trailine and troop .both a duits *and the children, as was progress courses. It outlines the du-,elned by the beautiful and hap- ties of the trainin ' zand- personnel py voices of the Brownies. Conîmittee and the planning. of a January started out with a «Fy year's training proKram.Idviu Up"' for Joan _Logsdon, B evierly conferenceS., for each localitv repre- Prussing. Helene Lartman,- Georgine sented will be arraniged. Gruen. Pats'y IMGrath, and Shirley To attend this conférence bîîe Ringholm. Presenit were three Scout must have had a general training ýtroops. and their leaders,. and Missý in scouting. trailinsz and t.ram'Ping, Marcel, Mrs. Church, Mrs. Ring- and troop prors adsoudb hoîm anýd the former Brown Owl, famniliar with the. material, and fur- Mrs. Prussing. werie guests. .Georgine ther admission requirements. based Oruen. and Patsy McGrath were on the standards, necessarv for' a awarded "Golden Hands" as well as~ traîner, are a thorough knowlIedge "Wýinjgs" in the ceremony an.d undertstaftdifl$ of the progra¶fl1 The Toad 5tooldub. the orgim- and 'experience in handlinz it. a col- 'tion of leaders, held -a meeting in the lege degree or its eqiivýaletit ini e\- Scout room at Christ church, Win- perience or other fortns of'educatiofl. netka, when units of interest, reç- alid the endorsement of t.he commis"- -ords for Brownie leaders, and plans sioner. . for spring work were discussed. This Congratulationls, Miss Marceli. ' Toad Stool club meets the first Fr1- NEXT WEEK 'daN- of each month at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesday. January 26, 9 :30 a.n., lo- those interested in Bro-wnie work cal couincil. C ae welcomed.-Mrs._Spragile Chapin. Tuesday, january 26, 7:30 p.nî., lncluding Odds and IEds. From Manhàattan fer.nerly formerly formerly formerly $2...........NOW, $1.85 $3........ NOWI 12.15 $3.50... .....NOW $2.65' MEYERS'GLOVUS Oddsad Ends Redu#ced:Iý 1, Mochas and pigskins in slitpon and oiasp styles $01 and $1.50 ARROW organizations as tne (jir an u Scouts is a great help in developiflg one. Dr. Link, writing in the Decein- ber issue of The Readers' Digest, defines person.alitv as "the extent to which one is able to interest other people." We- must interest or influ- ence other people in getting a job. or a raise insalary, in makingz and Novak of, the Chicago "iiercuauo'.s institute in charge. The next Infant Welf are clinic wil be on Wednesday, January 27, 2 to 4 p. nm. Dr. N. G. Shaw, pediatrician, will be in charge. MENYS 14051 Originally $1 tp pcuv'vpie; 1 one, of paying cot